Exercises for tendinitis

Common manifestations are joints like the wrist, shoulder, elbow, knee or ankle. Inflammatory processes cause pain, which can lead to relieving posture, reduced movement and strength. This should be counteracted by exercises. Depending on the degree of inflammation, the exercises vary. The following exercises are suitable for people who are no longer in the acute … Exercises for tendinitis

Osteopathy | Exercises for tendinitis

Osteopathy Osteopathy consists of purely manual techniques that can be used for diagnosis and therapy. Osteopathic measures may only be applied independently by physicians, alternative practitioners or physiotherapists (with the additional training of the alternative practitioner). Osteopathic techniques are intended to identify and positively influence tissue disorders. Restrictions in movement can be reduced, blood circulation … Osteopathy | Exercises for tendinitis

Physiotherapy for tendinitis

If you perform certain movements under heavy load, the tendon may be irritated. It and the tendon sheath can become inflamed. This can lead to restricted movement, swelling and pain. Constant, subliminal overloading can also lead to chronic tendovaginitis, such as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow. Physiotherapy for tendinitis In order to relieve the tendon … Physiotherapy for tendinitis

Non-infectious causes | Tendovaginitis

Non-infectious causes Infectious or purulent tendovaginitis is generally less common than non-infectious forms of tenosynovitis. The main causes include long-term mechanical misuse or overloading, which leads to irritation of the tendon tissue. According to this, it is precisely long-lasting monotonous movement sequences and severe postural defects that cause the tendon sheaths to rub particularly hard … Non-infectious causes | Tendovaginitis

Differential diagnosis | Tendovaginitis

Differential diagnosis Differential diagnoses of tendovaginitis include various arthritic diseases and inflammation of the penis processes (styloiditis). The disease known as styloiditis is an inflammatory pain phenomenon, which particularly often affects the bones of the ulna, radius or metacarpus. Similar to tendovaginitis, styloiditis also manifests itself through the appearance of stabbing pain in the wrist … Differential diagnosis | Tendovaginitis


Synonyms Tendinitis Peritendinitis Paratendinitis Introduction The disease known in medical terminology as tendovaginitis is an inflammation of the tendon sheaths. In most of the patients affected, it manifests itself by the appearance of strong, stabbing pain, which is intensified by movement and diminishes by immobilization. In principle, tendovaginitis can affect any tendon in the body. … Tendovaginitis

Flexor Tendon Injuries of the Hand: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Flexor tendon injuries to the hand severely limit the mobility and gripping ability of the fingers. Despite the anatomic peculiarities and severity of the limitations, there are now effective therapeutic procedures that usually lead to full recovery of function in the affected fingers. What are flexor tendon injuries of the hand? Flexor tendon injuries to … Flexor Tendon Injuries of the Hand: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment