Therapy | Pain in the legs

Therapy The diagnosis is followed by the therapy. This is usually only useful if an exact diagnosis has been made and the symptoms persist. Ointment bandages or bandages are often sufficient for minor muscular injuries. If there are more serious injuries such as broken bones, a plaster cast must be applied. In some cases, surgical … Therapy | Pain in the legs

Pain in the legs

Introduction Pain in the legs can occur in various places and have numerous causes. Since the leg consists of different bones as well as numerous muscles, nerves and vessels, all these structures can be diseased or injured and cause pain. Joint problems in the hip joint or knee joint, bone fractures or circulatory problems are … Pain in the legs

Diagnostics | Pain in the legs

Diagnostics In most cases, leg pain is a harmless muscle ache caused by overloading. In this case an exact diagnosis is unnecessary and the pain disappears after a short time. However, if the pain lasts longer, is very severe or one or more joints are swollen, a doctor should examine the leg. The leg should … Diagnostics | Pain in the legs

Pain in the middle finger

Definition Pain in the middle finger (digitus medius) can have many causes and can interfere with everyday life. The middle finger – like all fingers except the thumb – consists of three bones (phalanges). These are also known as the phalanx proximalis (close to the body), phalanx media (middle) and phalanx distalis (far from the … Pain in the middle finger

Assessment of pain according to localization | Pain in the middle finger

Assessment of pain according to localization Rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatism) mainly affects the finger base and middle joints. If the metacarpophalangeal joint (MCP) on one side is affected, the middle finger of the other hand is also usually affected symmetrically. The arbitrary infestation of the metacarpophalangeal joint or any other finger joint indicates gout. If there … Assessment of pain according to localization | Pain in the middle finger

Achilles tendonitis caused by antibiotics

Introduction Due to their broad spectrum of action, antibiotics can repeatedly trigger undesirable side effects. A classic example of this is Achilles tendon inflammation, rarely even Achilles tendon ruptures, which are triggered by the intake of certain antibiotics. Although the side effects are rare, antibiotics are taken very frequently, which is why cases of Achilles … Achilles tendonitis caused by antibiotics

Treatment | Achilles tendonitis caused by antibiotics

Treatment The most important therapy for Achilles tendon inflammation using antibiotics is the immediate switch of antibiotic therapy from fluoroquinolones to another antibiotic group. Afterwards, the trigger of the inflammation is broken down in the body, so that the inflammation should not increase further. In the acute phase, symptomatic therapy with analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs … Treatment | Achilles tendonitis caused by antibiotics

Tendinitis in the groin

Definition Inflammation of the groin is an inflammation of the tendons that connect the muscles in the thigh or abdomen with the bone. In general, a distinction must be made between inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) and inflammation of the tendon sheath (tendovaginitis). Athletes are often affected by the symptoms of tendon inflammation in the … Tendinitis in the groin