Testicular prosthesis

A testicular prosthesis is an implant of the testicle, which can be inserted into the scrotum if the body’s own testicle is no longer present or never was. Since the testicular implant cannot take over any bodily function, the procedure is classified as cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, depending on the indication. The modern implants are … Testicular prosthesis

Side effects and risks | Testicular prosthesis

Side effects and risks Although the implantation of a testicular prosthesis is usually a complication-free procedure, the operation can still cause side effects. Since it is an operation that is usually performed under general anesthesia, there are general risks associated with such an operation. However, the procedure can be performed through minimal incisions and is … Side effects and risks | Testicular prosthesis

Operation | Testicular prosthesis

Operation Testicular transplantation is a cosmetic procedure performed under general anesthesia. If it should have been necessary to remove the body’s own testicle, the implantation surgery should be performed at a certain distance from this surgery to ensure healing of the structures of the scrotum. Before the implantation of the testicular prosthesis, the scrotum is … Operation | Testicular prosthesis