Therapy prostate cancer

Synonyms in the broadest sense Therapy prostate cancer, prostate CA, prostate tumor Introduction The type of treatment is determined not only by the tumor stage and the degree of malignancy of the tissue (differentiation), but also by the general condition and age of the affected patient. In the case of a localized prostate carcinoma, treatment … Therapy prostate cancer

Irradiation | Therapy prostate cancer

Irradiation Radiotherapy for prostate cancer can be sensibly carried out at all localized stages of the disease. Using modern techniques, high radiation doses can be achieved in the tumor region today. Thus, an equivalent cure rate and disease prognosis can be achieved as with prostatectomy. Erectile dysfunction and urinary incontinence are also typical side effects … Irradiation | Therapy prostate cancer

Aftercare | Therapy prostate cancer

Aftercare Aftercare is about early detection of recurrence or progression of cancer. At regular intervals, the affected person should consult a doctor and report any bone (metastases) or flank pain (urinary retention). Side effects of hormone therapy can also be medically treated. A digital rectal examination (palpation of the prostate) should also be carried out … Aftercare | Therapy prostate cancer