Herpes infection | Oral mucosa changes

Herpes infection Herpes infection is a widespread viral infection that lasts a lifetime and always spreads when the immune system is weakened. The disease is highly infectious and spreads through direct contact with other people, for example when kissing or playing together in kindergarten. Known symptoms include itching and tingling of the affected skin areas, … Herpes infection | Oral mucosa changes

Oral mucosa changes

What is an oral mucosa change? Oral mucosa changes are pathological changes of the mucosa in the area of the tongue, cheek, palate or jaw ridge. It can be roughness, elevation, hardening or thickening. Changes in color towards red or white are also possible. The changed areas can form blisters, become sore or form nodules. … Oral mucosa changes

Mouth Thrush | Oral mucosa changes

Mouth Thrush Mouth thrush is a fungal disease caused by the pathogen Candida Albicans, which spreads mainly in the area of the mouth and throat. The characteristic symptom is a whitish, wipeable coating on a reddened oral mucosa. Sometimes only reddened areas of the tongue appear. Other symptoms are a feeling of dryness in the … Mouth Thrush | Oral mucosa changes

Dizziness and fatigue

Definition Dizziness with fatigue is the name given to two symptoms that can occur together and are often mutually dependent. The cause is often a combination of many factors, such as lack of sleep and stress. However, there are also various diseases that can be considered as causes. These include, for example, an anaemia or … Dizziness and fatigue

Diagnosis | Dizziness and fatigue

Diagnosis For the diagnosis of dizziness and fatigue, the medical history, i.e. the doctor-patient conversation, plays an important role. During this discussion, the closer circumstances and possible causes can be identified more precisely. Depending on the suspicion, further diagnostic tools are available. These include, for example, the physical examination, which plays an important role especially … Diagnosis | Dizziness and fatigue

Trembling hands in youth

Trembling hands are nothing unusual and in adolescence they are usually not a cause for concern. By definition, trembling hands are an uncontrolled, involuntary, but rhythmic hand movement that usually includes the forearms. The frequency with which the tremor occurs can vary from disease to disease. Causes The most common causes of trembling hands in … Trembling hands in youth