
Design and function Collagen is a protein which, as a structural protein, makes up a significant proportion of connective and supporting tissue. It is therefore found in most organs of our body. Collagen belongs to the fiber proteins and has a specific anatomical structure so that it makes a stable protein. The collagen molecule has … Collagen

Hydrolyzate | Collagen

Hydrolyzate Hydrolysates are products that result from the splitting of proteins or albumin. Hydrolysate can also be obtained from collagen by enzymatic cleavage (hydrolysis). These collagen proteins are preferably obtained from type 1 collagen and are used as food supplements. They contain a high proportion of short amino acid chains (peptides) and are very similar … Hydrolyzate | Collagen

Growth of eyebrows

Introduction The growth of eyebrows is not always equally fast. Rather, it is divided into three phases in which the speed is very different. These phases can be divided into the growth, transition and resting phases. It can take several weeks to a whole year for a completely torn out eyebrow to regain its original … Growth of eyebrows

Which home remedies stimulate growth? | Growth of eyebrows

Which home remedies stimulate growth? There are many different home remedies that are said to accelerate eyebrow growth. A simple home remedy is to stop plucking or waxing. In addition, strong scratching or rubbing, as well as too frequent peeling should be avoided. Make-up that is applied to the eyebrows should be used sparingly or … Which home remedies stimulate growth? | Growth of eyebrows

What do you think about eyebrow growth sera? | Growth of eyebrows

What do you think about eyebrow growth sera? If eyebrows only grow back sparsely or not at all, there are many tips and tools to stimulate growth. Growth serums are also part of this large offer and are now offered by many different companies. The active ingredients in eyebrow serums vary. Frequently used are substances … What do you think about eyebrow growth sera? | Growth of eyebrows