Lymphatic organs

Introduction The lymphatic system includes the lymphatic organs as well as the lymphatic vessels and is therefore present throughout the body. It fulfills a variety of functions, including immune defense, the transport of lymphatic fluid and the removal of dietary fats from the small intestine. A distinction is made between primary and secondary lymphatic organs. … Lymphatic organs

Duration | Almond pain

Duration Mostly almond pain occurs acutely with tonsillitis and goes back within a few days to a few weeks. In some cases, however, it can also lead to a persistent or even chronic inflammation of the tonsils. The pain is usually less pronounced, but can still be permanent. In the case of long-standing or recurring … Duration | Almond pain

Almond pain

Definition Almond pain is usually caused by an inflammation (tonsillitis) of the pharyngeal tonsils, which is triggered by pathogens such as viruses or bacteria. In addition to pain in the throat, there is often difficulty swallowing, fatigue, fever and aching limbs. Earaches and restricted breathing are also possible. While mild throat and almond pain is … Almond pain

Pfeiffersches glandular fever in the child

Introduction Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, technically known as infectious mononucleosis, is a viral disease transmitted by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). The virus attacks the lymphatic tissue in particular, so that lymph nodes, spleen and tonsils containing lymphatic tissue are particularly affected. Almost every person (about 70%) comes into contact with this disease during the course of … Pfeiffersches glandular fever in the child

Treatment of whistling glandular fever in children | Pfeiffersches glandular fever in the child

Treatment of whistling glandular fever in children If the infection is harmless, no treatment is necessary. A specific therapy against the virus does not exist. If a therapy becomes necessary, then it is a symptomatic therapy.Since antibiotics only work against bacteria and not against viruses, their use is pointless. Sometimes Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is confused … Treatment of whistling glandular fever in children | Pfeiffersches glandular fever in the child

Special features for babies | Pfeiffersches glandular fever in the child

Special features for babies In toddlers and especially in babies, Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is usually without clinical symptoms. Infection with the Epstein Barr virus is often simply confused with a cold. If the course of the disease in babies is characterized by a high and persistent fever, a doctor should always be consulted. This doctor … Special features for babies | Pfeiffersches glandular fever in the child

Seitenstrangangina – You should know that!

What is a lateral gangina? The lateral gangina is roughly speaking an inflammation of the pharynx. In contrast to very common rickets and pharyngitis, only two vertical areas of the throat are reddened and may be covered with small purulent spots. In concrete terms, this is an inflammation of the lymphatic system, which is located … Seitenstrangangina – You should know that!

How contagious is a side strand gangina? | Seitenstrangangina – You should know that!

How contagious is a side strand gangina? Side strangulation is one of the more infectious diseases. However, not everyone who gets viruses or bacteria automatically becomes ill. Typically, the disease is transmitted as a droplet infection – i.e. in the form of coughing or sneezing. Small children and infants are particularly at risk of becoming … How contagious is a side strand gangina? | Seitenstrangangina – You should know that!