Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? | Mouthwash

Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? As with nail fungus, cosmetic mouthwash is absolutely powerless, while a mouth rinse can help fight athlete’s foot. There are again no studies, but some experience reports of users with Listerine®, which could achieve a positive and faster decay of the mushroom disease after regular foot baths. Here … Can mouthwash be used against athlete’s foot? | Mouthwash

Chlorhexidine | Mouthwash

Chlorhexidine Chlorhexidine has become indispensable in every dental practice, as its active ingredient chlorhexidine digluconate has been proven to improve oral health and heal diseases of the oral cavity.In general it can be said that any inflammatory process caused by bacteria in the mouth and throat can also be cured by chlorhexidine, as the active … Chlorhexidine | Mouthwash

Side effects | Mouthwash

Side effects Side effects from taking mouthwash are not to be expected. Although essential oils and the alcohol are also effective against bacteria, a negative effect on the oral flora has not been observed.Mouthwash should not be swallowed. Medical mouthwashes can cause harmless discoloration of the teeth (see also: white teeth) and tongue, but these … Side effects | Mouthwash

To make plaque visible

Introduction In order to make plaque visible on the teeth, various food dyes are used in the form of staining tablets or gels. These are used to mark areas on the tooth surface that have not yet been cleaned sufficiently. Such so-called plaque indicators are mainly used in pediatric dentistry to increase the motivation for … To make plaque visible

Teeth grinding in sleep

Introduction Teeth grinding during sleep takes place without conscious influence from the subconscious. Teeth grinding during sleep usually goes unnoticed at first by the person(s) concerned and is often only discovered by the life partners through sounds that occur. Untreated, complaints such as muscle pain, toothache or loss of enamel and thus sensitive teeth usually … Teeth grinding in sleep


What is a veneer? A veneer is a thin porcelain shell that is applied to the surface of a tooth. It is used for aesthetic improvement and is therefore mainly applied in the visible frontal area. Since it is mostly an aesthetic treatment, a veneer is not paid for by the public health insurance companies. … Veneer

Toothache while lying down | Toothache at night – you should be aware of this

Toothache while lying down Many patients who suffer from acute toothache describe that it increases in intensity during the night and can also be perceived as a strong throbbing. It is often discussed whether this perception is just a fantasy or whether there are actually factors that explain an increase in toothache during the night. … Toothache while lying down | Toothache at night – you should be aware of this