Basal Ganglia

Synonyms Stem ganglia, basal nuclei Introduction The term “basal ganglia” refers to core areas located below the cerebral cortex (subcortical), which are primarily responsible for controlling functional aspects of motor function. In addition, the basal ganglia control cognitive signals and are involved in processing information from the limbic system. From a neuroanatomical point of view, … Basal Ganglia

Diseases originating in the basal ganglia | Basal Ganglia

Diseases originating in the basal ganglia Dysfunctions in the area of the basal ganglia can have far-reaching consequences for motor and non-motor processes in the body. For this reason, the diseases triggered by disorders of the basal ganglia often show clinically by a pronounced symptomatology. Among the best-known diseases associated with the Basal Ganglia are … Diseases originating in the basal ganglia | Basal Ganglia

Twitching of the eyelid

A twitching eyelid is popularly known as a nervous eye. This describes possible triggers, such as stress or emotional strain. One speaks of a nervous eye when the eye muscles contract suddenly and without conscious control. In principle, all muscle groups of the body can be affected. The causes of a twitching eyelid are usually … Twitching of the eyelid

Tourette’s syndrome

Synonyms in a broader sense Medical: Myospasia impulsiva Gilles de la Tourette’s syndrome Tourette’s disease/disorder Generalized tic disease with motor and vocal tics Tourette’s syndrome is a neurological-psychiatric disorder characterized by muscular (motor) and linguistic (vocal) tics, which do not necessarily occur simultaneously. Tourette’s syndrome is often associated with behavioural disorders. Tics are simple or … Tourette’s syndrome


Tics, tic syndrome, tic disorder, Tourette’s syndromeTics are simple or complex, sudden, short-lived, involuntary or semi-autonomous movements (motor tic) or sounds (vocal tic). With an internally growing tension they can be suppressed for a short time. Patients perceive the tics as an inner compulsion and often feel discomfort in the corresponding body region, which is … Tics