
Effects Keratolytic: soften and loosen skin, nails and calluses Indications Depending on the substance and dosage form: Acne Scab Corns, calluses Warts Dandruff Active ingredients Allantoin Benzoyl peroxide Urea Potassium iodide ointment Lactic acid Resorcinol Retinoids Salicylic acid, e.g., triple ointment, salicylaseline Selenium disulfide See also Cuticle cream

Production of Medicines in the Pharmacy

Classification according to PH Production Ad hoc manufacturing Manufacture according to prefecture Classification according to the Therapeutic Products Act Magistral prescriptions (Formula magistralis): individual preparation of drugs on a doctor’s prescription. Formula officinalis: Production of medicines for the clientele according to official formulas. House specialties: Manufacture of medicines for clientele according to their own formula. … Production of Medicines in the Pharmacy

Triple Ointment

Products The ointment of three is prepared in pharmacies and possibly in drugstores. Specialty retailers may also have the ointment prepared by specialized service providers. Similar products are also available as ready-to-use medicines. Composition and preparation A Salicylic acid 3.0 g B Glycerol 85% 3.0 g C White petroleum jelly ad 100.0 g Rub the … Triple Ointment


Products Salicylaseline is available in pharmacies and drugstores in various concentrations (e.g., 2%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%). It is usually prepared in-house, for example as an extemporaneous formulation, and it can also be ordered by professionals from specialized suppliers. In some countries, ready-to-use medicines are also available. Ingredients Salicylaseline is prepared with the active ingredient … Salicylaseline