Insulin – Effect | Diabetes mellitus type 2

Insulin – Effect Insulin acts by binding to special protein complexes on the surface of the liver, muscles and fat, the so-called insulin receptors. This triggers a signaling cascade within the cells of the organs, which influences the glucose metabolism via the following mechanisms: Insulin is administered as a drug to treat diabetes mellitus. Acceleration … Insulin – Effect | Diabetes mellitus type 2


Insulin is an endogenous hormone produced in the pancreas. Insulin causes sugar to be absorbed from the blood into the liver and muscles. This causes the blood sugar level to drop. Insulin, also known as insulinum, insulin hormone or islet hormone, can be assigned to the class of proteohormones. All members of this hormone class … Insulin

Insulin Release | Insulin

Insulin Release Insulin is released by various stimuli initiated by the organism. Probably the most important stimulus for the release of the tissue hormone is an increase in the blood sugar level. From a glucose level of approximately 5 mmol/l, the beta cells of the pancreas begin to secrete insulin. In addition, various amino acids, … Insulin Release | Insulin

Indications | Insulin

Indications When is insulin used for therapy? People with type 1 diabetes are dependent on externally supplied insulin because the body’s own insulin production and release is not sufficient. Type 2 diabetics are treated with insulin when dietary measures and oral medications (tablets) no longer have any effect and blood glucose control is unsatisfactory. In … Indications | Insulin

Complications | Insulin

Complications Possible Overdosage of insulin or too little food intake may lead to hypoglycemia. Fat cells can accumulate under the skin at the injection sites and cause hardening. It is possible that the cells become insensitive to insulin because the utilization of glucose in the cell is disturbed or because the interaction between insulin and … Complications | Insulin

Diabetic microangiopathy

Synonyms in a broader sense Sugar, diabetes, adult-onset diabetes, type I, type II, gestational diabetes. Diabetic microangiopathy Elevated blood sugar levels cause sugar to accumulate in the vessel walls, causing them to thicken and vascular occlusion. Especially the small vessels of the retina, kidneys and nervous system with their small diameter are affected. Late sequelae … Diabetic microangiopathy

Diabetic macroangiopathy | Diabetic microangiopathy

Diabetic macroangiopathy This complication is associated with early arteriosclerosis. Sugar, cholesterol and fats are deposited on the walls of the body’s large vessels, so that the vessels become narrower and the supply to the downstream organs deteriorates. This can result in a heart attack if the coronary arteries are affected by the disease process. If … Diabetic macroangiopathy | Diabetic microangiopathy

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus

There are a number of symptoms that can indicate diabetes mellitus. Symptoms There may be several symptoms that are unspecific for diabetes, such as Persistent fatigue Mattness Lassitude Performance reduction Susceptibility to infections Poorly healing wound Frequent urination Symptoms of diabetes due to high blood sugar levels include great thirst, weight loss and frequent visits … Symptoms of diabetes mellitus