The duration | Diarrhea and fever

The duration How long the symptoms of diarrhea and fever last depends strongly on the cause. Infectious triggers such as spoiled food and viruses are usually healed after a few days without consequences. Bacterial diarrheal diseases also usually heal within seven to ten days without complications, occasionally the administration of antibiotics is necessary. An appendicitis … The duration | Diarrhea and fever

Selenium: Function & Diseases

Selenium is a chemical element with the atomic number 34 and the symbol Se. Selenium performs numerous tasks in the human body. For example, it serves to activate thyroid hormones or prevents premature cell aging. What is selenium? Selenium is an essential trace element. Essential means that the body needs selenium but cannot produce it … Selenium: Function & Diseases

Gut loop

Definition An intestinal loop a piece of the intestine that runs in one twist. The small intestine is up to six metres long and runs from the stomach to the large intestine. It can be divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum. While the duodenum is C-shaped in the upper abdomen, the jejunum and ileum form … Gut loop

Diseases of the intestinal loops | Gut loop

Diseases of the intestinal loops Pain in the area of the intestinal loops can have various causes. One speaks of intestinal pain or visceral pain if the pain originates from organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Possible causes are an irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and tumours of the gastrointestinal tract. In the case of … Diseases of the intestinal loops | Gut loop

What role does nutrition play in colorectal cancer? | What are the causes of colon cancer?

What role does nutrition play in colorectal cancer? The extent of the connection between nutrition and the development of colon cancer is still unclear. However, some experts estimate that about one third of colorectal cancer cases could have been prevented by a different lifestyle and diet. The exact interaction between the individual diets and nutritional … What role does nutrition play in colorectal cancer? | What are the causes of colon cancer?

Related cancers | What are the causes of colon cancer?

Related cancers Normally colorectal cancer develops in the colon. In rare cases, however, adenomas or lymphomas of the small intestine or duodenum may also occur. Interestingly, people who have themselves or a close relative who has another type of cancer, such as ovarian, breast or cervical cancer, have an increased risk of bowel cancer. All … Related cancers | What are the causes of colon cancer?