Symptoms of postthrombotic syndrome | Postthrombotic syndrome

Symptoms of postthrombotic syndrome The postthrombotic syndrome can occur in various forms. The symptoms range from rather slight swelling with only a slight feeling of tension to weeping skin areas (eczema) and open ulcers, especially on the lower leg. The symptoms of the postthrombotic syndrome result from the long-lasting disturbance in the flow of blood … Symptoms of postthrombotic syndrome | Postthrombotic syndrome

Care for postthrombotic syndrome | Postthrombotic syndrome

Care for postthrombotic syndrome In advanced stages of the postthrombotic syndrome it is very important to ensure that as few injuries as possible occur and that even small injuries are properly treated to prevent the formation of ulcers, since even the smallest scratching injury can cause ulcers to develop. Therefore also such small injuries require … Care for postthrombotic syndrome | Postthrombotic syndrome

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Symptoms In venous insufficiency, the normal return flow of venous blood to the heart is disturbed due to various causes. The following symptoms occur on the legs, especially the ankle and lower leg: Superficial venous dilatation: Varicose veins, spider veins, varicose veins. Pain and heaviness, tired legs Fluid retention, swelling, “water in the legs”. Calf … Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Compression Stockings: Applications & Health Benefits

In earlier times, medical compression stockings were also a therapeutic measure that had its purpose. Nowadays, however, compression stockings are much more chic and inconspicuous. What are compression stockings? The effect in a compression stocking is to reduce the cross-section of certain blood vessels by the pressure of the fabric, which has only limited elasticity, … Compression Stockings: Applications & Health Benefits

Swollen wrists

Definition If wrists are swollen, this can be attributed to fluid that for various reasons remains in the tissue of the wrist or in the hand in general. This can be blood, for example, which can drain more poorly, or lymph fluid. In addition, the wrist can be swollen when it is inflamed, as a … Swollen wrists

With participation of the feet | Swollen wrists

With participation of the feet Simultaneous swelling of the wrist and feet indicates a non-local cause. Particularly at an advanced age, fluid retention due to poor vascular conditions or insufficient cardiac work must be considered. Restricted kidney function and thus less fluid excretion can also cause swelling of the feet and hands. In this case, … With participation of the feet | Swollen wrists

Spider veins

Spider veins are a type of mini spider veins that are located on the surface of the skin and are usually found on the inner sides of the thighs. They are not dangerous in themselves, but can be an indication of a disease of the deep-seated veins. In most cases, however, they are only a … Spider veins

Prevention | Spider veins

Prevention Spider veins alone do not represent a serious disease, mainly cosmetic reasons are in the foreground. However, they can give a first indication of diseases such as chronic venous insufficiency. They are often favoured by weaknesses of the connective tissue, which are mainly predisposition. Thus spider veins often cannot be completely prevented, but something … Prevention | Spider veins