Sinusitis: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

The following symptoms and complaints may indicate acute sinusitis (sinusitis/inflammation of the mucosa of the paranasal sinuses) or acute rhinosinusitis (ARS; simultaneous inflammation of the nasal mucosa (“rhinitis”) and inflammation of the mucosa of the paranasal sinuses (“sinusitis”); or an episode of recent ARS): Anterior and/or posterior secretion (discharge of secretions via the pharynx and/or … Sinusitis: Symptoms, Complaints, Signs

Vulvovaginal Atrophy, Genital Menopause Syndrome: Diagnostic Tests

Mandatory medical device diagnostics. Vulva/Vagina Vaginal sonography (ultrasound examination using an ultrasound probe inserted into the vagina (sheath)) – to evaluate the genital organs. Optional medical device diagnostics – depending on the results of the medical history, physical examination, laboratory diagnostics and obligatory medical device diagnostics – for differential diagnostic clarification. Urethra/bladder Urodynamic diagnostics (including … Vulvovaginal Atrophy, Genital Menopause Syndrome: Diagnostic Tests

Burns: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Skin and subcutaneous (L00-L99). Lyell syndrome (synonyms: epidermolysis acuta toxica; epidermolysis bullosa; scalded skin syndrome) – rare skin condition characterized by vesicular detachments of the epidermis (cuticle). Mortality (death rate) is higher than that in burn victims with the same extent of skin damage.Two forms of Lyell’s syndrome are distinguished based on etiology (cause): drug-induced … Burns: Or something else? Differential Diagnosis

Vaginal Sonography

Vaginal ultrasonography (transvaginal sonography (TVS), transvaginal ultrasonography, vaginal ultrasound, vaginal echography) is a diagnostic imaging procedure used in gynecology and obstetrics – to visualize the uterus (womb), ovaries (ovaries), uterine tuba (fallopian tubes), Douglas space (Douglas space (lat. Excavatio rectouterina or Excavatio rectogenitalis; this is a pocket-shaped protrusion of the peritoneum between the rectum (rectum) … Vaginal Sonography

Prostate Cancer: Classification

TNM classification of prostate cancer. T Tumor TX Primary tumor not assessable T0 No evidence of primary tumor T1 Tumor neither palpable nor visible in imaging techniques T1a Incidental finding at TUR-P (transurethral resection of the prostate/surgical removal of the prostate through the urethra), ≤ 5% of resected tissue T1b Incidental finding at TUR-P, >5% … Prostate Cancer: Classification

Biofeedback Therapy

Biofeedback is a method from the field of behavioral therapy. It is a relaxation procedure in which the body’s own parameters (see procedure below) are made visible and thus a voluntary change of these very parameters is to be carried out with the aim of relaxation. The influencing of the parameters takes place after a … Biofeedback Therapy

Complementary Pain Therapy

Complementary pain therapy is a pain treatment that uses natural remedies, among other methods, to treat pain.Complementary pain therapy deliberately avoids the use of medications and surgical interventions. The procedure Chronic and acute pain can be treated in a variety of ways. Medications are often administered, which not infrequently have undesirable side effects, or surgical … Complementary Pain Therapy

Lactose Intolerance: Test and Diagnosis

2nd order laboratory parameters – depending on the results of the medical history, physical examination, etc. Lactose tolerance test: defined blood glucose rise after administration of lactose – measurements after 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. Lactose in urine – if connatal lactose intolerance is suspected. Lactose tolerance test (LCT gene test) – genetic … Lactose Intolerance: Test and Diagnosis

Rectus Diastasis: Complications

Mouth, esophagus (food pipe), stomach, and intestines (K00-K67; K90-K93). Hernia (hernia of the intestine) (very rare). Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (M00-M99). Buttock and hip pain Back pain – especially in the lower back Further Weakened abdominal muscles (compensate during childbirth with upright birthing posture and back muscles).

Hantavirus Disease: Examination

A comprehensive clinical examination is the basis for selecting further diagnostic steps: General physical examination – including blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, body weight, body height; further: Inspection (viewing). Skin, mucous membranes, pharynx (throat) and sclerae (white part of the eye). Abdomen (abdomen) Shape of the abdomen? Skin color? Skin texture? Efflorescences (skin changes)? Pulsations? … Hantavirus Disease: Examination

Pneumonia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment

Pneumonia – colloquially known as pneumonia – (synonyms: Bronchopneumonia; Lobar pneumonia; ICD-10 J18.-: Pneumonia, causative agent unspecified; J12.-: Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified; J16.-: Pneumonia due to other infectious agents, not elsewhere classified; J17.-: Pneumonia due to diseases classified elsewhere) is an inflammation of the lung tissue (ancient Greek πνεύμων pneumōn, German “lung”), usually caused … Pneumonia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment