Growing Pains: What to Do?

Growing pains: symptoms When children complain of acute pain in their legs in the evening or at night, which usually disappears during the day, it is usually growing pains. Even small children can be affected. The pain is felt alternately in both legs – sometimes one leg hurts, the next time the other, and occasionally … Growing Pains: What to Do?

Forgetfulness: What to Do?

Brief overview Does forgetfulness equal dementia? No, a certain degree of forgetfulness is normal. Only a noticeable and continuous decline in memory performance can be a warning signal for a serious memory disorder such as dementia. How much forgetfulness is normal? There is no generally valid guideline here. Those who forget something from time to … Forgetfulness: What to Do?

What to Do in Case of a Biceps Tendon Rupture (Bicep Tendon Tear)?

Brief overview Treatment: A torn biceps tendon (biceps tendon rupture) is treated conservatively (without surgery) or surgically, depending on the type and severity of the injury. Symptoms: The first sign of a biceps tendon rupture is a loss of strength when bending the arm. Other symptoms include pain, swelling, bruising and deformation of the muscle … What to Do in Case of a Biceps Tendon Rupture (Bicep Tendon Tear)?

Brain freeze: Cause, What to do?

Brief overview Description: sudden, stabbing headache, usually in the forehead or temples, occurring after rapid consumption of cold food or drink. Therefore also called cold headache. Cause: The cold stimulus in the mouth (especially on the palate) dilates the anterior cerebral artery, causing more blood to rush into the brain. The associated sudden increase in … Brain freeze: Cause, What to do?

Cravings: Causes, What to Do?

Brief overview Causes: Nutrient/energy deficiency (e.g. after physical or mental exertion, long breaks from eating, during growth phases), mental or physical illness (e.g. diabetes, hyperthyroidism, eating disorders) Treatment: Regular, balanced diet, sufficient sleep, avoid stress and boredom. Pathological causes require medical treatment. Bitter substances, alternative medicine When to see a doctor? Pregnancy, breastfeeding or growth … Cravings: Causes, What to Do?

Bleeding During Pregnancy: Causes and What You Can Do

Menstruation or intermenstrual bleeding? Pregnant or not? Many women make the answer to this question dependent on the absence or onset of menstruation. However, women often do not know that bleeding is relatively common, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. It is not always easy to distinguish what vaginal bleeding is: the onset of … Bleeding During Pregnancy: Causes and What You Can Do

Electric Shock: What to do?

Brief overview What to do in case of electric shock? Switch off the current, if unconscious keep the patient in the recovery position and resuscitate if necessary, otherwise: calm the victim, cover burns with sterile dressings, call the emergency services. When to see a doctor? Every electrical accident should be examined by a doctor and … Electric Shock: What to do?

Exercises against a mouse arm

The terms “mouse arm“, “secretary’s disease”, or “repetitive strain injury syndrome” (RSI syndrome) are generic terms for an overload syndrome of the hand, arm, shoulder and neck region. The symptoms occur in 60% of people who work more than 3 hours a day at the computer, such as secretaries or graphic designers. In the meantime, … Exercises against a mouse arm