Lotus: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Few plants are as versatile as the lotus flower. In major world religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, it is considered a symbol of beauty, purity and untaintedness and has thus always been a fundamental part of many Asian cultures. Here, however, it is not only of mythological, but above all of medicinal importance; the healing powers of the lotus have been known for millennia and today fascinate the pharmaceutical industry and modern medicine.

Occurrence and cultivation of lotus

A tea prepared from the flower of this medicinal plant also helps with heartburn and relieves the discomfort of stomach ulcers. The lotus plant is an aquatic plant of the Nelumbonaceae family, which can be divided into two species: the American lotus and the Indian lotus. The Indian Lotus is native to large areas of Southeast Asia, India and northern Australia and is characterized by a pink to whitish flower coloration. The American lotus, on the other hand, blooms yellowish and is found mainly along the Atlantic coast of the United States down to Mexico. Both species prefer muddy waters as their habitat, which provide an ideal supply of nutrients for their roots, known as rhizomes, which can be up to four meters long. On the rhizome are the 20-40cm large shield-like leaves. These are covered with a layer of wax, which protects the plant from dirt particles and gave its name to the famous lotus effect.

Effect and application

This cleansing effect makes the national plant of Asia not only an interesting object of research for naturopathy, but also gives it a permanent place in the cosmetics industry. Lotus flower extract is nowadays one of the main ingredients of many anti-aging products; it is rich in armpavin, fatty acid, protein, phosphorus and linoleic acid and thus has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. However, the root of the lotus plant has the most diverse effect on the human body. Its healing powers are used in numerous fields of medicine and are used for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases and ailments. The lotus root is rich in nutrients and ingredients that have a positive effect on the human body; in addition to minerals, fiber and numerous vitamins, it contains important substances such as iron, copper, manganese, zinc and potassium. Therefore, it is not only contained in various medicines, but is also used in Asian cuisine; raw, cooked or prepared as a tea. It boosts metabolism, promotes the body’s self-healing process, lowers cholesterol, strengthens the immune system, has a positive effect on mood and state of mind, lowers blood pressure, strengthens the heart, has hemostatic and sedative effects, and also prevents various forms of cancer. Therefore, it is preferably used for kidney weakness, sleep disorders, digestive problems, menstrual cramps and diseases of the central nervous system. The lotus plant is considered an all-rounder in modern medicine, with which great therapeutic success can be achieved without known side effects.

Significance for health, treatment and prevention.

Especially for circulatory disorders and increased blood pressure, the lotus plant is always used. The high potassium level of lotus root dilates blood vessels, thus facilitating blood circulation in the body and lowering blood pressure. This relieves blockages caused by cholesterol, lowers cholesterol levels and thus effectively prevents heart attacks. The rhizome is also rich in iron and copper. These valuable ingredients stimulate the formation of new red blood cells and thus help to compensate for severe blood loss due to major bleeding in the esophagus, stomach or intestines, but also menstruation-related anemia. For this purpose, the juice of the lotus root is either drunk pure or consumed as a soup. Another field of application of the lotus plant is digestion. The fiber contained in the rhizome promotes the absorption of nutrients, helps with constipation or diarrhea. In particular, the white lotus is often used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, traditionally it was used in Asia as a remedy for jaundice. Nowadays, in European naturopathy, a mixture of lotus root juice and ginger juice is often used – it cures swelling or inflammation in the intestines and acts as a preventive against colon cancer.A tea prepared from the flower of this medicinal plant also helps with heartburn and relieves the discomfort of stomach ulcers. The lotus plant also has an expectorant effect. Therefore, the juice of the root is often applied to mucus accumulation in the respiratory tract and used in the treatment of various diseases, including asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and colds. The leaves of the lotus plant also have an antipyretic effect and can be consumed raw, steamed or as a tea. The young leaves in particular also have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and are used with preference as an ointment against skin inflammations, fungal infections and eye diseases. The high vitamin C content of the root strengthens the immune system and thus protects against bacterial infections and colds, and also scavenges free radicals in the body and thus has a preventive effect against various cancers. Vitamin A, which is contained in high quantities in the plant, improves brain performance, has a positive effect on mood and alleviates depressive states, fatigue, irritability, stress and inner restlessness. In particular, the flowers of the white lotus prepared as a tea have a stress-reducing, euphoric effect and also increase sexual activity. Already in ancient Egypt, the lotus plant was considered a source of health and rebirth – and an aphrodisiac for women and men. Thus, the lotus is a medicinal plant that can be used in many areas of modern medicine, which can not only look back on a long tradition in Asian culture, but is now also firmly established in European naturopathy.