How can I shorten the duration of lymph node swelling? | Duration of lymph node swelling

How can I shorten the duration of lymph node swelling? The possibilities of shortening the duration of lymph node swelling are very limited. In many cases, lymph node swelling simply takes a certain amount of time without much influence. However, there are a few home remedies that should help. These are not scientifically proven, but … How can I shorten the duration of lymph node swelling? | Duration of lymph node swelling

Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Introduction Pfeiffer’s glandular fever, or infectious mononucleosis – as it is called medically correct – is an infectious disease caused by the so-called Epstein-Barr virus. Compared to most infectious diseases, the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever is a long-lasting affair. As always, the duration of the illness depends on the physical conditions, state of health and other … Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Duration of sick leave | Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Duration of sick leave How long the patient is put on sick leave depends mainly on the treating doctor and the patient’s wishes. As already mentioned, the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever does not cause a complete defeat so that one feels unable to work physically. Rather, those affected feel a sense of listlessness that lasts for … Duration of sick leave | Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Duration with the baby | Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Duration with the baby In babies and infants, Pfeiffer’s glandular fever does not usually last as long as in older patients. The differentiation from other “normal” viral diseases is, however, very difficult at this age because the symptoms of the disease hardly differ. From a sound medical point of view, it is therefore very difficult … Duration with the baby | Duration of the whistling glandular fever

Swollen spleen

Introduction A swelling of the spleen, i.e. its increase in size, is called splenomegaly in medical jargon. In the majority of cases, it does not cause any symptoms and is often a random diagnosis. It can occur both in the context of infectious diseases and malignant (malignant) diseases. Whether and to what extent a therapy … Swollen spleen

Diagnosis | Swollen spleen

Diagnosis An enlarged spleen often causes no symptoms and can therefore be a coincidental finding. A healthy spleen is not palpable. If there is a marked swelling of the spleen, it may be palpable under the left costal arch. In some diseases, the spleen is enlarged to such an extent that it extends down to … Diagnosis | Swollen spleen

Duration | Swollen spleen

Duration The duration of a spleen swelling depends very much on the triggering cause. In infectious diseases, the swelling can persist for weeks or months until the infection has completely subsided. If the swelling of the spleen is due to leukemia, it can also persist over a longer period of time, namely until the therapy … Duration | Swollen spleen

How dangerous is a swelling of lymph nodes behind the ear? | Swelling of lymph nodes behind the ear

How dangerous is a swelling of lymph nodes behind the ear? A swelling of the lymph nodes behind the ear is often not very dangerous. Since the more common causes include infectious diseases that are easily treatable, rapid therapy can be provided if the swelling is detected early.However, it should also be remembered that lymph … How dangerous is a swelling of lymph nodes behind the ear? | Swelling of lymph nodes behind the ear