Zyprexa® side effects

Introduction The drug Zyprexa® belongs to the group of so-called atypical neuroleptics. Zyprexa® is the trade name, but the original active ingredient is olanzapine. This drug is used to treat various disorders of the psyche, including in particular schizophrenia and mania in bipolar disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorders. More information about the mechanism of action and … Zyprexa® side effects

Occasional to rare side effects | Zyprexa® side effects

Occasional to rare side effects If previous illnesses are already present, certain side effects can be more severe and more frequent. For example, older patients suffering from dementia often suffer from urinary incontinence, strokes, pneumonia, frequent extreme fatigue, hallucinations, as well as muscle stiffness with difficulty walking when treated with Zyprexa®. If there is a … Occasional to rare side effects | Zyprexa® side effects

Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Introduction Cirrhosis of the liver is a highly complex clinical picture, which can be accompanied by numerous secondary diseases, symptoms and difficulties. Ultimately, all chronic diseases of the liver tissue lead to a remodelling of the liver cells and cirrhosis without treatment or elimination of the causes. Over time, cirrhosis of the liver restricts all … Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? | Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? Liver cirrhosis describes a chronic remodelling process of the liver tissue with a slowly progressing loss of liver function. In the early stages of liver cirrhosis, numerous parts of the liver are often still functional and can easily compensate for the cirrhotic … Is it possible to have good blood values despite cirrhosis of the liver? | Change in blood values in cirrhosis of the liver

White blood cells

The blood consists of a liquid part, the blood plasma, and solid parts, the blood cells. There are three large groups of cells in the blood: each of them has specific characteristics and fulfils very important tasks for our body and our survival. Leukocytes have an essential function in the human body’s immune defense, with … White blood cells