Treatment | Sore throat with earache


Medical therapy for neck and ear pain is only carried out in rare cases. One reason for this is that it is usually a viral infection for which no antibiotic is effective. So if the person affected is only slightly ill (there are hardly any symptoms besides the neck and ear pain), he is usually so quickly recovered by himself that a therapy could hardly achieve any improvement.

However, one should take it easy and rest during this time of illness. If the illness is caused by bacteria, the doctor can administer an antibiotic as therapy. Penicillin is often used for this.

When treating with an antibiotic, it is important that it is taken for as long as the doctor has prescribed it and not only until the throat and ear pain have subsided, in order to prevent the disease from flaring up again. If the sore throat is very severe or if, for example, tonsillitis is present, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can also be taken. As a rule, treatment is with Ibuprofen®, Aspirin® or Paracetamol®.

These drugs are also used to treat the accompanying fever. However, these drugs are usually only used to treat symptoms and not the cause. There are many herbs and essential oils that relieve sore throats and earaches, reduce inflammation and are curative.

Many of these home remedies are well known and therefore based on experience. In general, drinking a lot is helpful for sore throats – especially when the pharyngeal mucosa is dry, making it difficult to swallow. The mucous membrane is moistened and can thus better remove pathogens.

One should not resort to cold but warm drinks, such as teas. They supply blood to the mucous membrane, which also helps to remove pathogens. If you want to sweeten the tea, honey is known as a remedy.

Honey is anti-inflammatory and promotes the healing of wounds. The sage plant is very popular. Its ingredients have an antibacterial effect and inhibit the growth of viruses.

In addition, sage has a decongestant and pain-relieving effect through essential oils.It is recommended to process the sage into tea. You can drink it, but you can also gargle with it. It is also possible to chew sage leaves in the mouth.

Chamomile is especially popular for sore throats. It is highly anti-inflammatory, promotes healing of the mucous membrane and reduces pathogens. One should make tea from the camomile plant for drinking or gargling.

Ginger teas are also recommended. Ginger contains an ingredient that stimulates the blood circulation and supports the immune system. It also has a calming effect on irritated mucous membranes.

You can gargle with ginger tea just like with the other teas or drink it warm. Various essential oils are also excellent for sore throats, such as the antibacterial mint oil. As soon as a household remedy reduces the pathogens in the throat, it also helps to fight the inflammation in the ear.

Especially for the ears, the following household remedy is recommended. The onion sac is said to have an antibacterial effect due to certain ingredients of the onions. A piece of onion is cut very small, spread in a cotton cloth, heated and then placed on the ear.

Sore throats and earaches are very common, which is why some of those affected shy away from strong medication and like to resort to homeopathy. In homeopathy, so-called globules are administered. These are scattering globules made of sugar on which the homeopathic active ingredient is to be attached externally.

Homeopathy is a very gentle alternative medicine with hardly any side effects. The administration of globules, while suffering from a flu-like infection that causes throat and ear pain, is supposed to activate the body’s self-healing powers. Homoeopathy does not specifically combat the pathogens that are in the mucous membranes, but rather stimulates the body to heal itself.

For this reason there are many different types of globules. Belladonna (the active ingredient of belladonna) is preferred in cases of severe sore throat with earache. It is recommended to take about five globules several times a day.

This topic might also be of interest to you: Homeopathy for coldsIf you suffer from very severe sore throats and ears, which do not improve even after a few days, it is advisable to consult a doctor. The same applies when a strong fever sets in. A visit to a doctor is also important if the tonsils in the throat are very inflamed (large and red).

If one gets other symptoms besides the throat and ear jokes, which refer to the whole body, one should also see a doctor. The diagnosis of throat and ear pain is usually quite simple. As a rule, a questioning of the patient and a general examination is sufficient.

The throat is palpated by the doctor for swollen and painful lymph nodes. In addition, the doctor will look into the patient’s mouth to find the location of the pain. This could be the tonsils, the throat or the larynx, for example.

In case of inflammation, the corresponding region is swollen and reddened. If ear pain is associated with sore throat, the doctor usually limits the examination to looking at the ear canal and eardrum with an otoscope (ear mirror). This allows the doctor to see eardrum injuries and signs of inflammation from the ear canal and middle ear.

The duration of the ear and throat pain depends very much on the severity of the disease and its spread. If throat pain occurs on its own, it usually disappears within a week. It is only possible that there is a scratching in the throat beyond one week. If, in addition to the sore throat, you also have earache, possibly even with an inflammation of the middle ear, the pain can last up to two weeks if the inflammation is treated properly.