What if a potential donor is tissue compatible? | Bone Marrow Donation

What if a potential donor is tissue compatible?

If the tissue characteristics of the registered person match those of an affected person, the German Bone Marrow Donor Center (DKMS) contacts the donor. The further procedure includes a health check and a renewed HLA typing, the so-called confirmatory typing (CT). The health questionnaire sent out serves to record possible current health exclusion criteria.

With the help of a renewed blood sample, it can be verified whether the HLA characteristics of donor and recipient actually match. The confirmation typing can be done by the family doctor or by a physician who is registered with the German Bone Marrow Donor Center (DKMS).For donors who were registered some time ago, before 2010 to be precise, a determination of additional HLA characteristics in the blood may be necessary, as these in particular have not yet been evaluated at the time of registration. In addition to a renewed determination of HLA characteristics, the blood is also screened for infectious agents such as hepatitis viruses.

With the help of the results, a decision is made whether donor and recipient are a good match. If this is the case, there is not much standing in the way of a bone marrow donation. Whether or not a bone marrow donation is actually made will then be determined by various aspects, such as the current health condition of the person concerned.

If all hurdles are overcome, the donor is expected to make a final decision after the donor center has informed the donor about the upcoming procedure. The donor will then be asked for a written consent form. A physical examination is also part of the procedure, which is carried out in advance.

The preparation for the bone marrow transplantation begins approximately one week before the planned donation. This includes a targeted destruction of the affected bone marrow using high-dose chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Once this has been initiated, the affected person is dependent on a bone marrow donation, because without this his survival is at risk.