What is the Aorta?

Blood vessels are primarily responsible for transporting blood through the body. Blood vessels that run to the heart are called veins. Blood vessels that run away from the heart are called arteries. The largest artery in our body, the aorta, is a major artery that runs from the left side of the heart and carries oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body via branching arteries.

Structure of the aorta

The diameter of the aorta is approximately 3 cm. It has a length of circa 30 to 40 cm and is anatomically divided into different sections:

  • Ascending aorta: ascending body artery.
  • Arcus aortae: aortic arch
  • Aorta descendens: descending body artery.
  • Aorta thoracica: thoracic artery
  • Aorta abdominalis: abdominal section of the aorta (again subdivided into abdominal aorta (abdominal aorta) above and below the renal vessels).

In addition, numerous aortic branches, branches and arteries lead off from the aorta.

Diseases of the aorta

“Man is as old as his vessels”. The German physician, scientist and founder of cellular pathology, Rudolf Virchow (1821 – 1902), recognized this early on. Healthy arteries are elastic and muscular.

In the case of pathological vasoconstriction, one speaks of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. In this case, atherosclerotic plaque is formed on the vessel walls initially by the deposition of fat, thrombi, connective tissue and calcium, which flow together in the arterial vessels and constrict them.

For the aorta, such vasoconstriction can have devastating consequences:

Aortic rupture – what is it?

Arterial calcification can cause deep bleeding craters to form in the walls of the arteries and, consequently, the aorta. If furrows form in the innermost vessel wall, this is called an aortic tear (aortic dissection).

This life-threatening condition is usually accompanied by sudden pain. Hemorrhages occur in the vessel wall, which means that blood can no longer circulate evenly and there is a risk of the organs being undersupplied. If surgery is not initiated immediately, there is an increased risk that the outer vessel wall will also rupture. The consequence would then be that the aorta bursts, which affected individuals do not survive in most cases.

Dilatation of the aorta

Atherosclerosis, however, can not only narrow the vessels, but also dilate them. Calcified arteries lose elasticity over time, meaning they are less stretchable than healthy arteries. As a result, they can only react to a limited extent to changing blood pressure and changes in flow velocity. In the area of the aorta, this can lead to bulges (aneurysms).

If the diameter of the aorta grows to more than seven centimeters, there is a rupture risk of more than 60 percent. Patients whose aneurysm grows by more than 0.5 cm within a year are considered to be at highest risk. Here, too, there is a risk that the aorta will burst.

Atherosclerosis: what do you need to know?

Arteriosclerosis usually occurs at an advanced age. Men are affected more often than women. Smokers, diabetics and severely overweight people also belong to the risk group.

Anyone who wants to prevent arteriosclerosis should get as much exercise as possible in the fresh air and avoid sugary, high-fat foods. Garlic, on the other hand, is said to have a beneficial effect on the coronary vessels.