What symptoms accompany ovulation bleeding? | Ovulation bleeding

What symptoms accompany ovulation bleeding?

Ovulation is triggered by female sex hormones. However, these hormones not only affect a woman’s ovaries, but also other organs and target structures in her body. Especially the female sexual organs are subject to this influence.

An increase in size of the breast with an accompanying pulling, as well as lower abdominal pain can be explained by this. In addition, many women also feel a feeling of warmth that suddenly appears. It can be explained by an increase in temperature as a result of hormone fluctuations around ovulation.

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Medium pain is the term used to describe all pain that occurs around ovulation. The temporal component of ovulation is what gives the name to this pain. It occurs exactly in the middle of a woman’s cycle.

So if pain occurs during this time, it is described as moderate pain. The pain occurs 14 days after the last menstruation and lasts for a maximum of 2-3 days. However, it is typical for middle pain to be accompanied by discomfort for only one day. Also important pages that you should read: Pain during ovulation


Normally, both moderate pain and ovulation bleeding do not need to be treated. In most cases, patient waiting and, if necessary, symptomatic therapy is sufficient. This can be done well by physical rest, heat applications and, in the case of severe complaints, with painkillers.

It is up to each woman to find out for herself how to deal with the symptoms. Medication should be used as a last step in the treatment of pain. If the symptoms persist, a precise clarification of the cause should be made by the gynaecologist.

Is one very fertile with an ovulation bleeding – myth or truth?

A woman is only fertile when she ovulates. This is because the ovulated egg is the prerequisite for pregnancy. It jumps once a month and can only be fertilized by sperm for a short time.

If a sperm penetrates the egg and begins to divide with it, it is fertilized and new life is born. Therefore, it is the truth that ovulatory bleeding stands for fertility. At this point, however, it is important to know that a normal ovulation bleeding is not perceived by a woman.

The bleeding is too small for this. An assumed ovulatory bleeding can therefore also be an intermediate bleeding that stands for an unregulated cycle. In this case, the gynecologist should be consulted.

A heavy ovulation bleeding is more likely to be a physical problem that should be clarified. The fact that ovulation causes minimal bleeding in the body is undisputed. However, this bleeding cannot be called “real bleeding”.

Therefore, there is also some myth in this statement, as it indicates a visible bleeding as fertile. A woman should not be misled by this. To put it simply: an ovulation means fertility, a (menstrual) bleeding does not mean pregnancy. Also interesting for you:

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