When does one need surgery? | Ganglion on finger

When does one need surgery?

An operation is usually only performed on a ganglion on the finger if conservative measures do not bring long-term success. Even if the ganglion is located at a particularly unfavorable site, surgery is possible at the request of the affected person. Especially people who work a lot with their hands and fingers (craftsmen, athletes, musicians) can benefit from an early operation.

The operation of the ganglion is usually performed under local anesthesia. After the access to the ganglion has been prepared, the ganglion is carefully cut out of the tissue. It is important to work with millimeter precision so that tendons, nerves, vessels and the capsule are spared.

The stalk is then traced to the joint capsule, tied off and the ganglion completely removed. After the operation, the affected finger is usually immobilized for some time. Since the recurrence rate of the ganglion on the finger is relatively high, a longer period of sick leave is recommended.Particularly if people who work a lot with their fingers are affected, a downtime of up to two months can be expected. This is the only way to prevent early renewed overloading. However, most people can resume work after a few weeks (usually four to six weeks).

What to do when the ganglion has burst?

The bursting of a ganglion can happen accidentally and is usually painful. Nevertheless, there is usually no reason to worry. The fluid that emerges from the ganglion is usually completely processed by the body within a few days to weeks.

In some cases, there are even therapy attempts that aim at bursting the ganglion. In some people this can lead to a healing of the symptoms. After the ganglion has burst, the affected finger should still be observed carefully, as inflammation can occur.

Which doctor treats a ganglion on the finger?

A ganglion on the finger generally belongs to the surgical specialty. As with many other hand complaints, both orthopedic surgeons and hand surgeons can treat the ganglion on the finger. If longer-term observation of the ganglion is necessary, the family doctor can also be involved in the treatment.