When the Elbow Hurts

Pain in the elbow can be a real burden. Especially because it affects a joint whose use is unavoidable in everyday activities. This is because we need the elbow joint for every arm movement. Some pain in the elbow lasts only a short time, others develop into chronic pain. Therefore, it is important to properly assess the pain and seek medical attention if necessary.

Pain in the elbow – when to see a doctor?

Pain is always an alarm signal from the body that something is wrong. Whether you need to see a doctor immediately depends on the intensity and duration of the discomfort. In principle, it can be said that sudden, severe pain is more of an alarm signal than long-lasting, weaker pain. Externally visible signs of illness, such as redness or swelling, also more clearly indicate a condition that needs to be treated.

Red, warm, thick, and painful

Painful redness, swelling and hyperthermia on the elbow may primarily indicate bursitis. The fluid-filled sacs (bursae) serve to absorb shock and friction. They cannot actually be felt or palpated unless they are abnormally swollen. Then they can also hurt.

First aid for bursitis

First measures when an inflamed bursa is suspected are cooling and sparing. Pain relievers may also be taken. Preparations that also have an anti-inflammatory effect should be used. The general practitioner must be consulted, especially if the redness spreads. Immobilization in an upper arm splint or even the prescription of an antibiotic may be necessary. If bursitis occurs more frequently, surgical removal may even be indicated.

Red and warm – a rash on the elbow

Another reason for redness and overheating at the elbow may be a rash. A rash is manifested by classic changes in the skin:

  • Redness
  • Pustules
  • Itching
  • Wheals

Causes of a rash are endless. Common reasons for rashes are contact allergies, for example, to grasses or detergents. Often it is enough to avoid the allergy trigger. If this does not help, the family doctor or a dermatologist should be consulted.

Dry elbows

However, such a rash on the elbow should not be confused with psoriasis, which typically occurs on the outer sides of the elbow and the front of the knee. It is manifested by dry skin and scaling. This non-contagious disease is genetic and hereditary. There is no chance of a cure, but there are many symptom-relieving procedures such as ointments, dietary changes and light therapy.

Electrifying pain at the elbow

Pain like pinpricks or “electric shocks” are typical signs of nerve pain. Two major nerves run along the elbow:

  1. The ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve), which runs toward the outside of the hand.
  2. The radial nerve (radial nerve), which ends at the thumb side of the hand

Causes of nerve pain can be, for example, a nerve contusion or a nerve bottleneck syndrome.

The musician’s bone – pain like pinpricks.

A contusion of the nerve is present in the classic phenomenon of the funny bone. But what exactly is the funny bone? What is meant is the ulnar nerve, which arises from the cervical spinal cord and runs through the upper arm to the elbow joint and then to the forearm and hand. At the elbow, it lies in its “radial groove” (sulcus ulnaris), where it is supposed to be protected by the bony groove. Nevertheless, when the elbow is bumped, it is often bruised and sends electrifying pain signals to the brain, hand and sometimes shoulder. If the initial pain subsides, a tingling sensation can last even longer. Sometimes even the hand or individual fingers are numb or grasping is limited. However, all of these symptoms should subside after a short time. If they persist longer, a neurologist or orthopedist should be consulted.

Chronic elbow pain

If electrifying pain of the hand occurs permanently without a bruise having been present, a so-called constriction syndrome may be present. In turn, the ulnar nerve is most frequently affected as part of the “ulnar groove syndrome” (sulcus ulnaris).As the name of the syndrome implies, the nerve is constricted in its course and thus irritated and squeezed. Tingling, numbness or loss of strength can also be signs of the constriction syndrome. The syndrome results from prolonged stress, such as leaning on a tabletop every day while working in an office. Physical labor can also lead to tightness syndrome by thickening the muscles.

What to do about tightness syndrome?

First and foremost, conservative therapy is advised for constriction syndrome. Sparing, cooling and, if necessary, immobilization in a splint or bandage are often sufficient. Only if symptoms persist should surgery to expose the ulnar nerve be considered.

Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint

Another common cause of never-ending pain at the elbow joint is joint wear and tear (osteoarthritis). Like any other joint in the body, the elbow is not immune to cartilage wear. Movement pain is then typical. But pain peaks can also occur at night. Anyone who has put a lot of strain on the elbow throughout their life, for example through physical work or certain types of sport, has an increased risk of osteoarthritis. The cartilage degradation can no longer be reversed, secondary prevention in the sense of joint-friendly activities and strengthening of the muscles surrounding the joint can delay the progression.

Elbow pain after exercise

Many ball sports or weight training activities place a lot of stress on the elbow joint. Pain when bending and stretching can indicate overuse. There may be too much strain on the muscles surrounding the elbow joint or on the bony and cartilaginous joint itself. An inflammation of the tendon sheath can also be behind it. Initial treatment measures should consist of resting and cooling the elbow; if the symptoms are severe, a painkiller can be taken. If the discomfort persists, a doctor should be consulted.

Tendinitis of the elbow

Tendinitis usually affects the forearm extensors, which we need to spread the fingers and stretch the wrist. This is known as tennis elbow or tennis elbow (epicondylitis humeri radialis). The forearm extensors attach with their tendons to the thumb-side (radial-side) elbow. Therefore, one also feels pain in the elbow when gripping. The complaints can also become chronic. Causes are – in addition to playing tennis – sport-independent, repetitive or unaccustomed activities, for example, daily office work at the keyboard or with the mouse.

What to do about tennis elbow?

Therapy for tendonitis consists of resting the elbow and, if necessary, temporarily immobilizing it in an upper arm splint and taking anti-inflammatory pain medication. If the pain-inducing movement is avoided for a while, the symptoms should improve. If the discomfort is permanent, a bandage will provide relief. In extreme cases, surgery may be recommended.

Pain in the elbow after a fall

In a fall, you often catch yourself with your hands or fall on your knee and elbow. The bruising of the joint results in bruising of the soft tissues, which are mainly the muscles and fatty tissues. Underlying structures such as nerves, lymphatics and vessels can also be affected. A bruise (hematoma) often forms. In addition, the increase in volume in the tissue causes pain. However, a fall on the elbow can also result in a bone fracture. Sometimes the cracking can even be heard and the fracture can already be suspected from the outside due to a malposition.

What to do about elbow pain after a fall?

In case of persistent pain, a bruise that is getting larger and especially if a fracture is suspected, a surgeon must be consulted. The surgeon can take X-rays of the bones in addition to a clinical examination. In the case of a simple hematoma, rest, cooling and painkillers are the treatment of choice. In the case of a bone fracture, the arm usually must be either immobilized in a humeral cast or even operated on.