Can you feel the copper chain? | The copper chain

Can you feel the copper chain?

Most women do not feel the copper chain. The copper chain is a thin thread that hangs freely in the uterus. For this reason, even young girls with a small uterus rarely feel the copper chain.

This is different from the spiral, which causes irritation more often. The woman can feel the thread, which reaches down into the vagina, with her fingers and thus carry out a position check on her own. However, the thread must never be pulled.

Can a copper chain make you infertile?

Since the copper chain does not contain any hormones, the effect is gone as soon as the copper chain is removed. The chain has no effect on a woman’s normal cycle and can also be used if she wants to have children later. Since the copper chain increases the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy if a pregnancy does occur, in very rare cases infertility can result. The injury to the uterus caused by the copper chain itself is so minor that no late effects are to be expected.

How is the copper chain used?

The copper chain consists of a thread on which four copper capsules are threaded. This thread should hang freely in the uterus.The installation is carried out by a specially trained gynaecologist, as the installation of the copper chain is somewhat more complicated than the installation of the classic copper spiral. Before inserting the copper chain, an ultrasound examination must be performed to measure the wall thickness and shape of the uterus.

Some gynaecologists give a medication to dilate the cervix a few hours before insertion. The vagina and the cervix are then well disinfected to prevent inflammation. The uterus must then be stabilized with a clamp.

The copper chain itself is inserted into the uterus with an applicator. Using a small needle, the end of the chain, where there is a knot, is pricked into the muscles of the uterine wall. The final fixation is done by the muscles themselves, but this takes a week. Since some women describe the procedure as very painful, it can be performed under local anesthesia. In the week after the application, the chain is not yet completely fixed and can therefore be more easily expelled.