WOMIT are the contractions initiated? | Initiate contractions

WOMIT are the contractions initiated?

With what the contractions are initiated depends on numerous influencing factors. These include, for example, individual risks, whether previous operations on the uterus have already taken place, the state of maturity of the cervix or the time frame in which the birth is planned. MECHANICAL MEDICATION

  • Prostaglandin: preparations with the active ingredient prostaglandin can be used for cervical maturation.

    As a reaction of the body to the increasing shortening and opening of the cervix, the contractions can increase.

  • Drop for labor pains: Another medicinal option for inducing labor pains is the so-called “drip for labor pains”. This contains the hormone oxytocin and has a contraction-promoting effect on the uterus and thus supports the expulsion of the child.
  • Balloon

The hormone prostaglandin, which is introduced into the vagina in the form of vaginal suppositories, tampons or tablets, is one of the drugs used to trigger contractions. A distinction is made between two commonly used isoforms.

The E2-prostaglandin dinoprostone is approved in Germany, whereas the use of the E1-prostaglandin misoprostol belongs to the “off-label use”. This means that there is no official approval of the drug for the purpose of inducing labor, but it is still frequently used. The use of prostaglandins for the induction of labour is particularly suitable in immature cervixes, as this makes the cervix soft and prepares it for birth.

Due to increased risks, induction with prostaglandins is not performed in pregnant women who have already had a caesarean section.You can find detailed information on this topic on our website at Prostaglandins at birthA variety of non-drug household remedies can be used to try to initiate the birth process. One of the best known home remedies is the so-called contraction cocktail. This is a drink, which contains rhizinus oil and, depending on the recipe, different juices, often apricot juice in combination with almond paste, which are supposed to improve the taste and stimulate the intestinal activity.

In most cases, the contraction cocktail has a strong laxative effect and can trigger contractions through the constant urge to defecate. However, stomach cramps and diarrhea are often also undesirable side effects. For this reason, a contraceptive cocktail should not be taken on one’s own initiative, but should always be taken after consultation and advice from the gynaecologist or midwife.

Special herbal infusions in the form of teas can also have a contraction-initiating effect. Tampons soaked with diluted clove oil, which are inserted vaginally and left in the vagina for about an hour, are also said to have a contraction-inducing effect. However, strict hygiene and correct handling must be observed, otherwise there is a risk of health risks in the form of bacterial infections.

Alternative medical measures to promote contractions can also be used. These include acupuncture or a foot reflex zone massage.

  • Oxytoxic home remedies
  • Acupuncture and birth preparation

Various herbs and spices are said to have contraction-inducing effects.

These include: Often relatively large quantities in the form of several cups of such tea blends are needed to achieve the desired effect. The preparation can be made according to different recipes, but always consult the doctor or midwife regarding the correct intake. Some pharmacies offer ready-to-drink tea blends that promote labor, but should only be drunk on medical advice. You can find detailed information on this topic at Stimulating contractions with tea

  • Camphor
  • Carnations
  • Cinnamon
  • Vervain
  • Ginger