Yellow bowel movement


Yellow stool is a symptom that can present itself in many ways. The yellowish color of the bowel movement can range from a slight yellow shade of brown to a distinct yellow color. A nearly colorless bowel movement with a slight yellow tint is also possible as a variant.

Such a yellow discoloration of the bowel movement can occur in principle at any consistency, so both yellow diarrhea and a very hard yellow stool can occur. In addition, the bowel movement itself may have a natural brown coloration, but yellowish mucus deposits or yellow undigested food particles may also occur. In principle, yellow stools can indicate all kinds of problems of the digestive system, from a harmless color variation to serious diseases.

Causes of yellow bowel movements

Food Yellow vegetables Carbohydrate-rich food Change of diet Organic causes Liver (inflammation, cirrhosis, blood congestion, tumor) Bile (congestion, lack of production) Pancreas = pancreas (lack of enzymes, congestion, tumor) Medication Antibiotics Prokinetics

  • Food Yellow vegetables Carbohydrate-rich food Change of diet
  • Yellow vegetables
  • Carbohydrate-rich food
  • Change of diet
  • Organic causes Liver (inflammation, cirrhosis, blood congestion, tumor) Bile (congestion, lack of production) Pancreas = pancreas (lack of enzymes, congestion, tumor)
  • Liver (inflammation, cirrhosis, blood congestion, tumor)
  • Bile (accumulation, missing production)
  • Pancreas = pancreas (missing enzymes, congestion, tumor)
  • Drugs Antibiotics Prokinetics
  • Antibiotics
  • Prokinetics
  • Yellow vegetables
  • Carbohydrate-rich food
  • Change of diet
  • Liver (inflammation, cirrhosis, blood congestion, tumor)
  • Bile (accumulation, missing production)
  • Pancreas = pancreas (missing enzymes, congestion, tumor)
  • Antibiotics
  • Prokinetics

Antibiotics are drugs that are used against bacterial infectious agents. However, antibiotics are not only effective against the bacteria that cause the disease. Rather, all bacteria in the body (including those that occur naturally) are attacked by the active ingredient.

Since the digestive system in particular depends on the harmonious interaction of many different bacteria, antibiotic therapy can considerably disturb the digestion for some time. Thus, after antibiotics, changes in the consistency and color of the stool usually occur for a few days. Usually the bowel movement becomes somewhat more fluid and can even lead to diarrhea.

The color often changes in the direction of a greenish discoloration or a yellow bowel movement. Do you have more interest in this topic?bile acids are an important pillar in the digestive system. They have the greatest influence on the digestion of high-fat food.

It is only through the bile acids that the body is able to absorb the fat from food. If the accumulation of bile leads to a reduced release of bile acids into the digestive tract, the digestion of fat can be disturbed. Even after a bile operation, the production of bile acid is initially disturbed, so that the fat-rich food cannot be digested well.

As a result, a yellow bowel movement is produced. In addition, there is often a so-called “fatty stool”, which shines because of the fat content. Liver diseases can stain the bowel movements yellow via two different mechanisms.

On the one hand, liver disease can block the outflow of bile and thus cause yellow bowel movements by reducing the digestion of fat. On the other hand, liver disease occasionally causes yellowing of the skin, the sclera (the white of the eyes) and also of the bowel movements. This is due to the accumulation of yellow breakdown products of the red blood pigment. Possible triggering liver diseases are inflammation (hepatitis), liver cirrhosis or (benign or malignant) tumors of the liver.