Therapy of a slipped disc L4/5 | Herniated disc in the amount of L4/L5

Therapy of a slipped disc L4/5

In most cases a herniated disc is treated conservatively. As a rule, the time frame of the protection is limited to about six to eight weeks. This varies greatly depending on the type and severity of the disc injury.

This means there is no surgical intervention. In the context of conservative therapy, the focus should initially be on spinal protection and pain relief. In acute cases, the patient should therefore not put any strain on the spinal column.

By resting and resting a lot, the inflammatory processes on the intervertebral discs can initially heal. Furthermore, conservative therapy includes a drug-based pain therapy for a herniated disc. In the form of tablets or direct local injections, drugs can be administered to relieve the pain.

Injections in the area of the injured spine can be unpleasant, but have a quick, pain-relieving effect. Often, drugs are also administered to relax the muscles so that the patient does not adopt a relieving posture due to the discomfort, which often makes the symptoms worse. Heat and expert light massages also have a muscle-relaxing effect.

Relaxing electrotherapy is also frequently used. Regular physiotherapy to strengthen the muscles is also useful. You can find much more extensive information on this topic at Therapy of a herniated disc of the LWSEine operation is particularly necessary if the complaints are very advanced and there are pronounced paralysis symptoms.

In addition, the duration of the herniated disc plays a decisive role. The longer a nerve is constricted, the lower the probability that it will recover and be able to continue its function. Even if the conservative therapy does not bring success, the patient is recommended to undergo surgery.

More and more frequently, surgery is being performed as a minimally invasive procedure. Accordingly, only a small incision is necessary and the operation itself is performed through a microscope and with correspondingly small instruments. The aim of the operation is to remove the slipped disc from the spinal canal.

This relieves the constricted nerves and allows them to recover. If necessary, the disc can be replaced by appropriate materials, so that between the vertebral bodies a shock absorber and protection of the bones remains. An operation usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes.

After the operation, the patient can sit up straight. It may be necessary to wear a light bodice. Then the vertebrae and the patient can recover from the discomfort better.

If there are several herniated discs, an area of the spine can also be completely stiffened. Regular physiotherapy for a herniated disc is of great importance in the treatment of herniated discs. It has the goal of rebuilding and strengthening the back and abdominal muscles.

The stability of the spinal column should be promoted from this. Physiotherapy also includes massages that can loosen the muscles, prevent bad posture and at the same time relieve pain. During therapy, the patient also learns exercises that he or she can perform independently at home.

These include, for example, stretching and stretching exercises with the help of bands or a gymnastics ball. Sitting upright on a large ball and circling lightly with the hips loosens the muscles in the lumbar region. At the same time ligaments are loosened and strengthened.

Exercises that are performed under water are very back-friendly. For this purpose, courses in the form of aqua gymnastics are usually also offered especially for back problems. The patient learns in the back school exercises and also the correct posture when standing or sitting for a long time to relieve his back.

The exercises should strengthen the back muscles and promote movement. Care must be taken to ensure that all exercises are performed without pain and are repeated sufficiently. Relaxation exercises can be very good in everyday life and can also be done in between.

They prevent relieving postures and tension. Not every sport can be performed immediately after a slipped disc. The back must first be protected and relieved.

Otherwise it can very quickly lead to a renewed worsening of the complaints or further disc injuries. Sports should be preferred, which equally strain and strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. In addition, jerky movements and shocks should be avoided.

Sports such as swimming, hiking, Nordic walking, Pilates and cross-country skiing are no problem. Sports that put extreme strain on the back should be avoided because of the risk of injury. Compression movements and twisting movements can also be harmful to a previously damaged back.

Thus, the patient should initially avoid tennis, gymnastics, squash, badminton and also skiing. Furthermore, the musculature should be strengthened with light exercises. Bodybuilding and weight lifting are too much strain on the spine and further damage the intervertebral discs and should only be taken up after complete healing.