Pain in the ovaries during pregnancy


Many women suffer from stabbing or cramping pain in the ovaries, especially at the beginning of their pregnancy. Often there are harmless causes behind this, but serious diseases can also lead to pain in the ovaries. For this reason, all newly occurring and severe pain should be clarified by a doctor.


Slight and above all punctual pain over the ovaries can occur at the beginning or during pregnancy due to hormonal changes or stretching of the maternal ligaments. They are therefore usually harmless. However, strong, acute pain in the lower abdomen can also hide diseases such as ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the ovaries, miscarriage or uterine tumors (myomas).

Some of these can be life-threatening and should be urgently examined by a doctor. Ectopic pregnancy in particular should be highlighted as a potentially life-threatening condition. An ectopic pregnancy results in a faulty implantation of the egg.

Instead of normal implantation in the lining of the uterus, the egg gets stuck in the fallopian tubes and nests there. This can be caused by functional or mechanical disorders that prevent the egg from migrating to the uterus. At first, an ectopic pregnancy resembles a “normal” pregnancy.

A pregnancy test would be positive because the pregnancy hormone Beta-HGC is produced despite incorrect implantation, nausea and loss of period would also occur. From the 6th to 9th week of pregnancy, there would be pain in the ovaries and spotting. If the egg continues to grow in the fallopian tube, a rupture of the fallopian tube will occur from a certain size onwards, which is accompanied by severe abdominal pain and heavy bleeding.

Thanks to today’s early diagnostic measures and therapeutic options, ectopic pregnancies are now only fatal in rare cases. Until the 19th century, however, it was one of the most frequent causes of death in young women. However, pain in the ovaries can often be confused with other abdominal and pelvic pain, especially in pregnant women.

For example, appendicitis, intestinal sluggishness leading to increased constipation with pain, kidney stones or urinary bladder inflammation can simulate pain in the area of the ovaries. This is due to the close proximity of the organs to the ovaries. Finally, sexual intercourse during pregnancy can also lead to pain in the area of the ovaries. In this case, it would be advisable to refrain from further sexual intercourse during pregnancy.