Household remedy against acne

Especially in adolescents in puberty acne shows itself in the form of pimples on the face. This skin disease is caused by blockages of pores and sebaceous glands. Medication can also lead to the appearance of acne.

The prognosis is very good, as the acne recedes after some time. Occasionally, scars are left behind as the acne heals. Other possible forms of acne include newborn acne.

Household remedy against acne

There are many home remedies that have proven to be effective in the treatment of acne:

  • Aloe vera
  • Cucumber
  • Healing earth
  • Tea tree oil
  • Cider vinegar
  • Honey
  • Steam bath

How do I use the household remedy? Apple vinegar can be easily applied directly to the skin. For this purpose, it should be mixed with distilled water in the same proportion and can then be applied with the help of absorbent cotton.

Effect Apple cider vinegar works well against acne, as it provides sufficient moisture and at the same time cleans the skin and removes germs. Furthermore, apple cider vinegar also ensures that the pH value of the skin remains stable, thereby strengthening the skin structures. What do you need to consider?

The apple vinegar can also dry on the skin after application. It should not be used more than 3 times a day. How do I use the household remedy?

The honey can be used as a kind of face mask. It should be spread thinly on the face for 3 hours. Afterwards it can be rinsed off with warm water.

This can be repeated several times a week, up to four times. If there is an improvement, the number of applications should be reduced. Effect The effect of honey is directed against various pathogens and thus kills possible triggers for acne.

It also cleanses the skin and helps to heal the acne. What must be considered? Before applying the honey, the face should be cleaned and made up.

How do I use the household remedy? The steam bath can be prepared quite easily at home. For this purpose, a large bowl should be filled with at least one liter of boiling water.

When supplementing with chamomile, 3-4 tea bags of chamomile tea are recommended per steam bath. For use, the person should bend directly over the bowl and place a towel over their head to shield them. This maximizes the steam effect on the face.

The steam bath should not last longer than a quarter of an hour. Effect A steam bath has a cleansing effect on the skin. It cleanses the pores of the skin on the face or other parts of the body, depending on the application.

In addition, it has a disinfecting effect and thus removes potential germs or dirt that are on the skin and contaminate it. This makes the skin healthier and more nourished. What do you need to consider?

When using the steam bath, care should be taken that it does not last longer than a quarter of an hour. In addition, the face should be completely cleansed before. After the application, the face should be protected for some time.

  • It is advisable to combine the steam bath with chamomile, for example. This complements the effect of the steam bath well, the camomile tea has a gentle effect on skin irritated by acne. The anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile also contributes to the healing of acne pimples.

Aloe Vera is a popular household remedy.

The plant contains a sugar called acemannan, which is important for the construction of cells and the immune system. Saponin is also an important ingredient that kills the acne bacteria. Furthermore, aloe vera contains numerous vitamins and minerals.

Thus this household remedy can reduce the inflammatory reaction, thus the redness and pain lindern. Furthermore, the skin is protected from further inflammation. Aloe Vera is available as gel and can also be applied to acne.

The cucumber is quite well-known as a vegetable in the form of a cucumber mask. It contains various vitamins, such as vitamin A, B and C, as well as various minerals. Among these are for example zinc and folic acid, which play an important role in various metabolic processes.

Furthermore, the cucumber causes the cells of the skin to contract. This reduces the inflammation caused by acne and additionally strengthens the skin. In addition, the cucumber has a cooling and refreshing effect.

The cucumber mask can be applied either in the form of slices or by dabbing the face with cucumber water. Healing earth is also recommended for use with acne. The advantage here is that it can also be easily applied to the whole body.

This household remedy contains various nutrients and minerals, such as sodium, potassium and iron.This has a vitalizing and healing effect on the skin. In addition, grease and other impurities of the skin are also purified. The mask with healing earth can be made by mixing the powder with water.

Another popular and frequently used household remedy is tea tree oil. It belongs to the essential oils and works against bacteria. It can also reduce inflammatory reactions such as redness and swelling.

Therefore, it is used by many affected people as a treatment against acne. However, attention should be paid to possible irritation of the skin, which can be caused by the tea tree oil. Sage oil is also suitable as an alternative oil for the treatment of acne if the irritation is too severe. It has similar effects on acne as tea tree oil, but is usually more tolerable.