Weber C Fracture | Trimalleolar ankle fracture treatment

Weber C Fracture

Ankle fractures can be classified according to the Weber classification based on the involvement of syndesmosis. A trimalleolar ankle fracture may correspond to a Weber C fracture, but this is not always the case. Syndesmosis, as a ligamentous connection between the tibia and fibula, is an important structure for the stability of the ankle joint, and an injury to the syndesmosis can lead to instability in the joint and to premature arthrosis.

  • In a Weber A fracture, the fracture is located below the syndesmosis.
  • In the case of a Weber B fracture, the fracture is at the level of the syndemosis, it may also be affected or intact.
  • In a Weber C fracture, the bone fracture is located above the syndesmosis, so it is always affected. Due to the high instability and risk of dislocation, a Weber C fracture is a clear indication for surgery. The bone fragments are reduced using screws and plates, so that the fracture can be loaded with stable exercise.