What Makes Barley Grass a Superfood

Barley grass is becoming increasingly popular among health-conscious people. Similar to wheatgrass, barley grass is considered a superfood that anyone can grow themselves and is full of healthy minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. The young, bright green cereal leaves can be enjoyed as a powder, capsules or as barley grass juice – if you don’t like the taste, simply mix the supplement into your cereal or smoothie. What ingredients are in barley grass and what effect barley grass has on health, you can learn here. Superfoods – 9 healthy foods

Healthy vital substance combination

Barley grass is considered to be extremely healthy. In particular, the balanced combination of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, antioxidants and secondary plant substances contained is what makes barley grass so popular. In addition, the grass has a high bioavailability – the ingredients are therefore particularly easily absorbed by the body. Originally, the popularity of barley grass goes back to a several decades old study by Japanese scientist Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara. Compared with more than 150 other green plants, the young grain stood out as the top performer: according to the scientist’s study, barley grass contains seven times as much vitamin C as oranges, eleven times as much calcium as milk, and four times as much vitamin B1 as whole wheat flour. Since then, barley grass has gradually conquered the market of dietary supplements.

Barley grass – full of vitamins and minerals.

That barley grass is full of valuable ingredients is undisputed. Almost all of the vitamins essential for life are found in the grass, including vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D2, vitamin E, vitamin K, which is important for blood clotting, and various vitamins of the B group – including vitamin B12 and folic acid. The exact composition of the ingredients of barley grass powder may vary somewhat depending on the manufacturer. However, the amount of minerals per 100 grams of powder may look like this, for example:

  • 3.4 milligrams zinc
  • 18 milligrams sodium
  • 37 milligrams iron
  • 179 milligrams magnesium
  • 437 milligrams phosphorus
  • 832 milligrams calcium

In addition, potassium, and copper, as well as selenium and manganese, which are needed for cell protection and cartilage formation.

Other ingredients of barley grass

In addition to its vitamin and mineral content, barley grass also scores high in bitter compounds, chlorophyll, enzymes and all essential amino acids. In addition, barley grass is rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on digestion. The nutritional value of barley grass powder can also vary depending on the manufacturer. On 100 grams there are usually only 2 grams of fat – but 26 grams of carbohydrates and still 304 kilocalories (kcal). With a proportion of about 28 percent, the green powder also contains plenty of vegetable proteins, which make it particularly attractive for vegetarians and vegans. It should not be forgotten, however, that although barley grass has a high density of healthy nutrients compared to other foods, it is also consumed in significantly small amounts.

Rich in antioxidants

Barley grass contains many different antioxidants, including the flavonoids saponarin and lutonarin, and the isoflavonoid isovitexin. Antioxidants are considered important agents against the harmful effects of oxidative stress and free radicals. Not only do they have an anti-inflammatory effect, but they also preserve cells. Thus, they can slow down the aging process and protect the body from cardiovascular diseases and make types of cancer. Another substance with antioxidant effects contained in barley grass is the secondary plant substance proanthocyanidin. This is said to protect the fibrous proteins and thus help to maintain the elasticity of the skin and connective tissue as well as to tighten the skin. Whether antioxidants in increased concentrations always have a positive effect on health is now considered controversial, since free radicals certainly also perform important functions in the body, for example in the function of the immune system. The intake of antioxidant foods should be considered conscious and not in excess.

Effect investigated in various studies

Due to its various ingredients, barley grass is attributed a healing effect in numerous complaints and diseases.Some of the effects of barley grass have already been studied, although larger studies are generally still pending. Some of the initial indications found in research include the following effects of barley grass:

  • Barley grass may lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol in the blood. High cholesterol can promote hardening of the arteries and subsequently a heart attack or stroke. In a study by the China Medical College in Taiwan, cholesterol levels improved after just four weeks of taking barley grass extract.
  • Barley grass is also said to have positive effects on diabetes: In another study published in 2010 in the International Journal of Green Pharmacy, could be lowered in diabetics by the daily intake of barley grass powder not only the cholesterol level, but also the blood sugar level.
  • The substance lunasin contained in barley grass seems to have an anti-cancer effect. In particular, the development of skin cancer and breast cancer could be prevented with the help of lunasin in laboratory experiments by Korean researchers. Clinical studies are still pending, however.
  • In a study by scientist Osamu Kanauchi, germinated barley alleviated the symptoms of chronic inflammatory bowel disease ulcerative colitis and helped improve intestinal flora. In general, the anti-inflammatory effects of barley grass can have a positive impact on intestinal problems such as candidiasis. In addition, the grass can help regulate the water balance in the intestine, reducing the frequency of diarrhea.

Numerous effects on health suspected

Although only isolated aspects of the effects of barley grass have been studied so far, the fresh leaves are believed to have a high health value simply because of their ingredients. Among athletes, for example, the grass is popular for its high content of plant proteins to help build muscle. Chlorophyll, the green plant pigment, is also considered very healthy, as it supports blood formation and wound healing and can have a positive effect on the intestines. In addition, the young grain is said to:

  • Especially thanks to its content of potassium have a stabilizing effect on blood pressure.
  • Be beneficial to the acid-base balance as an alkaline food and help against hyperacidity and purify the body
  • Be helpful for allergies and skin problems such as neurodermatitis and acne
  • Thanks to a certain enzyme and various amino acids stimulate fat metabolism, dampen the feeling of hunger and thus support weight loss
  • Have a relaxing, calming and mood-enhancing effect. Therefore, barley grass is recommended for people with stress or sleep disorders. Children suffering from ADD, it is even said to help them concentrate better.
  • Have a beneficial effect on hair and help fight hair loss, dandruff and premature graying. Because these problems can be the result of nutrient deficiencies – here barley grass is said to help by promoting melanin production and supporting hair growth.

However, these effects of barley grass have not yet been scientifically proven.

Side effects of barley grass

Barley grass is considered well tolerated and free of side effects. Nevertheless, there are field reports of digestive problems, especially diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Therefore, it may be advisable to start with a low dosage and carefully test the tolerance of barley grass. Barley grass powder in particular may contain bacteria, such as Escherichia coli bacteria or salmonella. These get onto the barley grass through fertilization during cultivation. The powder and foods enriched with it, such as smoothies, should therefore be stored at a maximum of seven degrees. If barley grass is drunk as a tea, it should be infused with boiling water and left to steep for at least ten minutes. Pregnant women or people who have a weakened immune system due to previous illnesses or age should only take products with dried barley grass after consulting a doctor. It is also possible to have an allergic reaction to barley grass, which manifests itself as tingling, swelling or burning in the mouth. Those who suffer from an intolerance to gluten should be cautious depending on their own tolerance level: Barley grass is gluten-free, but traces of gluten could be present, depending on the manufacturer.

Barley grass: as juice, powder or fresh?

Barley grass is available in many different forms. Here’s what’s behind the different terms:

  • Barley grass powder is made from barley grass, which is first gently dried and then ground.
  • Activated barley or germinated barley was soaked in water for two days before drying and milling, and then germinated a few days.
  • Tablets and capsules allow easy dosage and quick intake of barley grass powder without prior preparation.
  • Barley grass juice is obtained by juicing (pressing) barley grass. It contains less fiber in relation to barley grass. Barley grass juice does not have to be freshly pressed: Dried barley grass juice powder is also available, which can be mixed with water.
  • Fresh barley grass is considered the healthiest option, as some of the valuable nutrients are lost during processing.

In addition, many products with barley grass are now available, for example, in the form of protein shakes or protein bars. Often, these additionally contain other ingredients considered superfood, for example spirulina, wheatgrass or hemp protein powder.

Buy barley grass: 5 tips

Once you have decided to buy barley grass – in whatever form – you should follow these tips for buying it:

  • Barley grass can often be found in health food or organic stores, but can also be ordered online.
  • Buy only barley grass without additives such as sugar, dyes or preservatives.
  • Better reach for certified organic barley grass to ensure that there are no pesticides.
  • Barley grass can come from many growing areas. Because of the ideal climate conditions and nutrient-rich soils barley grass from New Zealand is particularly popular.
  • A price comparison can be worthwhile: The barley grass should not be too cheap, but many dealers also charge overpriced prices.

Barley grass powder should be stored dry, well sealed and protected from the sun. Storage in the refrigerator is unsuitable, as this can form condensation.

Grow barley grass yourself

Barley grass is very easy to grow yourself. Because the sweet grass grows from the quite normal barley seed. The seeds can be found under the term “sprouted grain barley” in many health food stores. And this is how the cultivation of barley grass goes:

  1. Put the seeds overnight in water and let them pre-sprout.
  2. Fill a shallow planter or flower coaster (ideally, the container should have holes at the bottom) about five centimeters high with soil and moisten.
  3. Place the swollen seeds close together (but not on top of each other) on the soil.
  4. Cover the container with a damp cloth at room temperature and spray seeds and soil with water twice daily to keep them moist. The cloth can be removed after four days.
  5. Already after two to four days, the seedlings can be harvested and eaten like sprouts.
  6. The young, green leaves of the plant can be harvested as soon as they have reached a size of 10 to 15 centimeters – usually after 10 to 12 days.
  7. To harvest, simply cut the barley grass above the root as close to the ground as possible.
  8. With a suitable juicer, you can then make barley grass juice itself. The stalks of barley grass can also be chopped small into the food.

Grow barley grass or wheat grass yourself has the advantage that the fresh grass has a particularly high content of healthy ingredients and no pesticides or fertilizers to the grass. Fresh barley grass should be processed as soon as possible or stored in the refrigerator.

Use of barley grass powder

For those who find growing their own barley grass too time-consuming, they can simply reach for the ready-made powder. Usually, simply dissolve a teaspoon of barley grass powder in cold water and drink it. If you don’t like the spinach-like taste, you can also stir the powder into juice, muesli, yogurt or a smoothie. Barley grass powder is even used as a spice: sprinkled over food after cooking or as a component of a homemade herbal salt, the taste is hardly noticeable. Many recipes can now be found for the use of barley grass powder.Of course, you can also gather your own experience and test in which form barley grass tastes best to you. It is important to remember that products made from dried barley grass, such as barley grass powder, may be contaminated with pathogens in the form of bacteria. Since these get onto the barley grass through fertilization or contaminated water during cultivation, home cultivation definitely offers advantages here. Otherwise, the powder should be stored in a cool, dry place and foods fortified with it, such as smoothies, should be consumed within a day. Antioxidants: There are particularly many in these foods!