Midday Nap: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

A short nap or daytime nap refreshes and makes you more efficient. While young children still take extended naps, daytime naps become less important as they grow older. It can even be harmful.

What is the nap?

Like nighttime sleep, nap time is part of our internal clock. It is controlled by genes and has an important biological function. Like night sleep, nap time is also part of our internal clock. It is controlled by genes and has an important biological function. Sleeping serves to regenerate the body. With too little sleep, we could not exist permanently. A midday nap is part of human nature. Only about its duration there are different opinions. If it is too long, it can lead to health problems. Sleep comes naturally to everyone and it corresponds to the biorhythm to sleep twice a day. Early risers get tired around 2:00 p.m., and most even a little earlier, around 1:00 p.m. Lunch can intensify this sleep impulse and we feel especially sleepy. Growing children also have an increased need for sleep during the day. Babies need daytime sleep and also sleep for many hours during the day. Sleep duration decreases with age. While adult naps also have their place, they should not be excessive. According to recent studies from the United Kingdom and the United States, extended naps significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in people over the age of 69. The amount of sleep needed also depends on lifestyle. In some professions or phases of life, people need to be particularly well rested. Only then can he react quickly even in dangerous situations.

Function and task

For the healthy development of a baby and toddler, nap is indispensable. Toddlers are exposed to so many new impressions that they first have to process this. The nap break is just right for this. Sleep researchers know that during sleep you repeat what you have learned until it is firmly anchored. The nap also helps the child grow, because the child’s body now releases a growth hormone. For children, the nap can prevent overstimulation. Fears that the child will not be able to sleep in the evening are misplaced. In fact, many children sleep better with naps in the evening. Nevertheless, it is sufficient if children merely doze at midday. If an adult has a need for sleep at midday, he or she should pursue it. After all, it is stressful for the body to fight the need for sleep. Stress, in turn, damages the psyche and organs. Many people can relax deeply in a very short sleep phase. A good relaxation over midday is just as regenerating as a longer nap. People who are not well-rested make mistakes at work, are irritable, in a bad mood and are prone to accidents. However, the extended nap is less healthy than a short, restorative break. Too much sleep is just as unhealthy as too little sleep, according to recent research. Research from the California Pacific Medical Center concluded that more than three hours of naps a week is harmful. For this study, 8,101 American women were observed in sleep labs for seven years. In particular, women who slept 10 out of 24 hours had a 59% higher risk of disease. It is suspected that a hormonal change in the frequent sleepers led to an increased appetite with greater fat storage. The right amount of sleep, on the other hand, helps prevent many diseases. It can protect against depression, heart attacks and obesity. A nap of about 20 minutes duration refreshes and leads to renewed strength.

Diseases and ailments

Sleeping strengthens the immune system, protects nerves, brain and bones. The right amount of sleep is important, because too much napping can make you sick. Contrary to many claims, napping is not a sign of weakness, but helps relieve stress. A short nap has many positive effects, for example, it can reduce the risk of heart disease. If a strong need for sleep occurs during the day, those affected should consult a doctor. It may be an indication of an undiagnosed disease. The nap helps mainly working people, while there are hardly any positive effects for pensioners.From the age of 69, people statistically have a significantly higher risk of heart disease if they sleep regularly at midday. Extended naps can cause insomnia as well as dangerous sleep apnea. The pauses in breathing during the night are threatening and can lead to cardiac arrest. It is not for nothing that people with sleep apnea wear oxygen masks at night. In addition, chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure occur more frequently in late sleepers. These were the findings of a recent study by the Universities of Cambridge and Warwick, which examined the sleep of 10,000 people. They were also able to establish a connection between extended naps and more frequent strokes in the following ten years. According to the study, people who slept more than eight hours a day had a 46% higher risk of suffering a stroke in the following decade. For women, the risk was as high as 80%. From half an hour in length, the nap can affect inner peace. If it is too long, the nap has the same effects as an extremely long night’s sleep. Affected individuals are more sleep deprived and it takes much longer to return to full performance.