Multiple Chemical Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

In multiple chemical intolerance, also known as MCS, sufferers react with sometimes severe symptoms to different and unrelated chemicals and substances. The course of the disease is chronic and can worsen over time. MCS limits the quality of life and can even lead to occupational disability.

What is multiple chemical intolerance?

Multiple chemical intolerance characterizes a syndrome known since the 1980s, which is characterized by multiple intolerances to many volatile chemical compounds. In the English-speaking world, it is also known as MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity). MCS was the subject of intense controversy in the 1980s and 1990s as to the cause of this condition. Thus, it was discussed whether the multiple chemical intolerance should be assigned to the field of toxicology or psychosomatics. It was observed that often a major chemical exposure led to the triggering of MCS. MCS patients already suffer from unspecific and manifold symptoms when exposed to the smallest amounts of volatile substances such as fragrances, exhaust fumes, cigarette smoke or solvents, which strongly reduce their quality of life. However, the symptoms disappear immediately when the triggering substances are avoided.


The causes of multiple chemical intolerance are not known. Today, only explanatory attempts are made to be able to interpret the complex of symptoms. The majority of sufferers have been found to have originally had increased exposure to chemicals. These include formaldehyde, solvents, or biocides. In most cases, the triggering chemicals are also neurotoxic. Nevertheless, in the majority of cases, exposure to pollutants is reversible. In a few cases, chemical sensitivity chronifies and worsens even further to full-blown MCS. Over time, more and more chemicals are added that are not tolerated. Other factors must be present for MCS to develop. In addition to genetically determined faulty detoxification reactions of the body, psychosomatic factors, existing allergies and other underlying diseases are discussed. Today, a multifactorial disease process is assumed, with toxicological and psychosomatic factors being equally involved. Respiratory diseases, allergies, food and drug intolerances, stress, anxiety disorders or post-traumatic stress disorders are considered to be risks. The state of causal research is in part still very unsatisfactory for those affected, because they often do not feel taken seriously. Due to the vagueness of the assignment to this syndrome, different prevalence rates for chemical intolerance have been determined in different countries. While the prevalence in the USA is 3.9 percent, a value of 0.5 percent is given for Germany. This also makes it difficult to determine the cause of this disease. As a result, the conditions for causal treatment of MCS are not yet in place today.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

Multiple chemical intolerance manifests itself after exposure to volatile chemicals in minute amounts with many nonspecific symptoms such as headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, shortness of breath, gastrointestinal problems, rheumatic complaints, or unexplained pain. The disease is also characterized by the fact that the complaints increase over time. At the same time, the number of substances that are not tolerated also increases. However, multiple chemical intolerance is clearly recognizable by specific characteristics. For example, the symptoms only ever occur when chemical exposure takes place. There is no sign of improvement. The symptoms always occur at low concentrations of the chemicals. When the triggering agent is removed, the symptoms disappear immediately. The triggering agents are unrelated chemicals. Several organs or organ systems are always involved in the disease process. The consequences for the affected person are serious. They affect the quality of life, professional life and general performance of the sufferer. Even worse are the psychosocial consequences.Those affected feel stigmatized and marginalized because they are often not taken seriously by relatives, friends and doctors.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

Due to the unclear causes of multiple chemical intolerance, a definite diagnosis is difficult. So far, there are no examination methods that can clearly diagnose the disease. Only on the basis of the external appearance and the definition of the syndrome is the diagnosis of MCS made. However, laboratory tests and imaging procedures remain inconclusive because no organic changes can be found.


This chemical intolerance can lead to various complaints. However, these usually only occur when the affected person comes into contact with the chemicals in question. If the contact is avoided, no further complications or complaints occur. The chemical intolerance leads to severe headaches or dizziness and to a strong fatigue. Disturbances in concentration or coordination can also occur. Furthermore, many affected persons also suffer from shortness of breath or complaints in the area of the stomach and intestines. The patient’s quality of life is considerably reduced by the chemical intolerance if contact with the chemical in question is not interrupted. Likewise, the complaints increase over time if the condition is not treated. In the worst case, the affected person may also lose consciousness and possibly injure himself in a fall. Since there is no direct treatment for chemical intolerance, there are no particular complications. The symptoms can be significantly alleviated by avoiding the substance in question. If the disease occurs due to psychological causes, psychological treatment is necessary to limit the symptoms.

When should one go to the doctor?

If the affected person experiences diffuse sudden changes in his health, he should check the environmental influences. If his respiratory activity is exposed to the gas evolution of chemicals, immediate action should be taken. In many cases, it is sufficient to wear adequate respiratory protection and spend some time in an oxygen-rich environment. If there is significant relief of health complaints after just a few minutes, a doctor is often not needed. If the symptoms are relieved after less than an hour, no further precautions need to be taken. If the existing complaints increase or an acute health-threatening condition develops, a visit to the doctor becomes necessary. In particularly severe cases, an ambulance should be alerted. Fatigue, dizziness, coughing or disturbances of concentration should be examined and treated. If there are disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract, irregularities of concentration, dizziness as well as headaches, action is required. In case of rheumatic complaints, vomiting or nausea, a visit to the doctor is also advisable. If the physical or mental performance decreases, psychological abnormalities or peculiarities of behavior appear, the affected person needs help. Stomach pain, changes in food intake, loss of appetite or irritability are further complaints that should be examined and treated. If the quality of life decreases, a general feeling of malaise is present, or the affected person suffers from a feeling of illness, a visit to the doctor is advisable.

Treatment and therapy

There is currently no causal therapy for multiple chemical intolerance. In addition to avoiding the triggering chemicals, psychotherapeutic measures are offered today. However, many affected people find this situation unsatisfactory. There are indeed possibilities to eliminate chemical vapors as far as possible. The price, however, is often the complete isolation of the affected persons from their social environment. This very aspect can even lead to an intensification of the disease. Psychotherapeutic treatment can also often not bring the desired success, because for many patients this is precisely where the problem lies. They perceive it as discriminatory that the disease should be due to psychological causes.


Prevention from multiple chemical intolerance is difficult. The disease is multifactorial and is often triggered by a single chemical exposure.However, such exposure can never be completely ruled out. Nevertheless, a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the likelihood of multiple chemical intolerance. For example, eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of exercise, and avoiding smoking and drinking all lead to a stronger immune system and, at the same time, greater resistance to stress. Avoiding exposure to pollutants and chemicals also reduces the risk of developing MCS.


Allergies require the affected person to make changes in everyday life. Especially multiple intolerance can be overwhelming at the beginning. Aftercare is advisable to support the patient in the new situation. How long the follow-up treatment lasts depends on the extent of the chemical intolerance. During this time, the affected person is supervised by an allergist. The goal is a largely unrestricted life despite intolerance to the chemicals in question. At the beginning, the specialist determines which chemical substances are not tolerated by the patient. The affected person receives an overview of the allergens. He discusses with the doctor how he should take the intolerance into account in his everyday life. In the case of multiple chemical intolerance, the procedure must be similar to that for food allergies. Cleaning agents that contain allergens must no longer be used. Instead, the patient must resort to harmless alternatives. Biodegradable household products are available in health food stores. If he has worked in an environment where he came into contact with the chemicals up to the time of diagnosis, he should change his area of activity in the company or consider retraining. In this case, vocational counseling at the employment office counts as aftercare in addition to medical care.

What you can do yourself

A multiple chemical intolerance can be counteracted by the affected persons themselves. The most important measure is to avoid the substances in question. People who react to cigarette smoke or exhaust fumes with allergic reactions must take precautions to avoid contact with these substances in the first place. This may require changing jobs or places of residence. Adjustments must also be made in the home. For example, air filters must be installed and tight windows must be fitted to prevent environmental influences from outside. In severe cases, special respirators must be worn. Since multiple chemical intolerance can be accompanied by various complaints, the quality of life is often limited. The quality of life must be improved through hobbies and an adapted lifestyle. In case of persistent discomfort or the typical feeling of constriction, a visit to a self-help group can be useful. By talking to others, those affected learn to cope better with the intolerance and receive valuable tips. In addition, an allergist or internist must diagnose the disease and suggest suitable therapeutic measures. Medicinal treatment of chemical intolerance is usually also possible.