Which home remedies can be used as a support? | How can you trigger ovulation?

Which home remedies can be used as a support?

A tea made from tear grass seeds can help trigger ovulation. The effect is scientifically but not yet proven. Furthermore, a tea mixture of raspberry leaves, sage, rosemary, mugwort and elderflower can have a supporting effect.


Most homeopathic preparations are said to help with cycle problems. It is rather unlikely that they can trigger ovulation themselves. Before taking them, you should consult an experienced gynecologist about possible side effects and success rates.

This doctor can then select the appropriate preparation in the correct dosage. Some examples are given below. The preparation Follicle hormone synth.

is said to be one of the few preparations to have a direct effect on ovulation. For this purpose, 10 globules are taken in the morning of the 8th, 10th and 12th day of the cycle. Ovaria comp.

is another preparation which is supposed to stimulate hormone production. It is recommended for women who have been taking the contraceptive pill for a long time or suffer from fertility problems for other reasons.It is important that the globules should not be taken in case of bee allergy, as an allergic reaction can be triggered. The preparation Phyto L contains among other things monk’s pepper, which is also used in phytotherapy. This homeopathic remedy is said to act on the pituitary gland, which in turn is involved in cycle control.

What is the success rate of artificially inducing ovulation?

If ovulation is triggered by an ovulation-initiating injection of HCG, the success rate is almost 100%. Moreover, the exact time of ovulation can be predicted almost to the hour. Attempts to trigger ovulation with herbal remedies can have completely different success rates, which have not been systematically investigated so far.

Raspberry leaf tea

In naturopathy, raspberry leaf tea is known to stimulate the blood circulation in the pelvic area and promote the build-up of the uterine lining. The increased blood circulation in the pelvis should help to remove harmful substances from the uterus. This should then have a positive effect on a possible implantation.

Raspberry leaf tea is also said to promote the regularity of the cycle. An ice-triggering effect has not yet been proven.