Complication of the operation | Therapy of O – legs

Complication of the operation

Surgery always involves a certain risk, as it is an intervention in the physical organism. Therefore, there are also risks in the correction of bow legs, but these are rare:

  • Infections
  • Blood clot formation with carryover (thrombosis and embolism)
  • Post-bleeding with bruising
  • Delayed healing with necessary follow-up care

Usually the procedure is performed as an inpatient and includes a one-week stay. The leg may be partially loaded with 20kg from the beginning after the operation and after 6 weeks at the latest, depending on the X-ray findings, the load may be increased.

Until the bony healing process is complete, muscle strengthening and physiotherapy measures are carried out, as well as lymphatic drainage (decongestant massages). As early as two weeks after the procedure, it is possible to work with crutches if the work is mainly done at a desk. A vehicle with automatic gearshift can be used immediately after surgery on the left leg, after surgery on the right leg or with normal gearshift after complete recovery.

Swimming is particularly suitable for muscle maintenance and recovery and carries little risk of injury after the operation, so that this sport can be performed again after only two weeks. All other sports, however, should only be resumed after the bony healing process has been completed (X-ray check!). Sports can usually be performed better and longer after the operation than before, during uneven load distribution in the joint.