These are the consequences of a stroke!


Stroke is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate treatment. Up to 20% of patients die within four weeks after the onset of stroke despite the best therapy, and almost 40% die within a year. However, even if a stroke is survived, for many patients this can result in a decisive impairment of their everyday life skills: About half of the surviving patients remain permanently dependent on care due to the consequences of the stroke and are considered severely disabled. In Germany, a stroke is the most common single cause of the need for care!

These can be possible consequences of a stroke

Depending on which area of the brain is affected by the stroke, various consequences with varying degrees of severity can result. Disturbances of the perceptions: Visual disturbance Sensitivity disturbance Hearing loss, tinnitus Balance disturbance Motor disturbance: Paralysis, especially hemiplegia Trembling Swallowing disturbance Coordination disturbance Restriction of cognitive functions Memory disorder Speech disorder Mental retardation

  • Disturbances of the perceptions: Visual disturbance Sensitivity disturbance Hearing loss, tinnitus Balance disturbance
  • Visual impairment
  • Sensitivity disorder
  • Hearing loss, tinnitus
  • Disturbance of equilibrium
  • Disturbance of motor function: paralysis, especially hemiplegia trembling dysphagia Coordination disorder
  • Paralysis, especially hemiplegia
  • Tremble
  • Swallowing disorders
  • Coordination problems
  • Restriction of cognitive functions: Memory disorder Speech disorder Mental retardation
  • Memory disorder
  • Speech disorder
  • Mental slowdown
  • Visual impairment
  • Sensitivity disorder
  • Hearing loss, tinnitus
  • Disturbance of equilibrium
  • Paralysis, especially hemiplegia
  • Tremble
  • Swallowing disorders
  • Coordination problems
  • Memory disorder
  • Speech disorder
  • Mental slowdown

Consequences of a stroke on the right side

The spectrum of symptoms caused by a stroke on the right hemisphere of the brain can be very different from that of a stroke on the left hemisphere. Very often relatives report that there is a change in the personality of the person affected. The result is a so-called flattening of emotions and feelings, which makes the person appear apathetic and disinterested.

It is not uncommon for a change of interest in certain topics to occur, which can lead to increased impulsiveness. In addition, a stroke on the right side can disrupt visual-spatial orientation and perception. The extreme form of this damage is the so-called neglect.

In this case all stimuli are perceived, but one side of the external world and one’s own body is neglected. Those affected do not notice a touch on the left side of the body, for example, or when painting a picture, only the right side of the picture is painted, while the left side is unconsciously ignored. Besides the neglect, however, numerous other forms of attention deficit disorder can occur. In addition, motor skills and sensitivity on the left side of the body can be severely impaired.