Avitaminosis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Despite the over-supply of food, the number of people suffering from vitamin deficiency or even avitaminosis is steadily increasing. In Germany, vitamin D deficiency is particularly pronounced. One of the main causes of avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis is malnutrition and an excessively high proportion of denatured foods.

What is avitaminosis?

Avitaminosis is a complete absence of one or more vitamins in the body. This distinguishes the deficiency disease from so-called hypovitaminosis, in which the vitamin is at least still present in small amounts. Since the body can only produce vitamins itself to a very limited extent, it is dependent on daily intake via food. Vitamin reserves last for different lengths of time, depending on the vitamin. For example, if a person does not consume any vitamin C at all for 2 to 4 months (the vital substance cannot be stored by the body), consequential damage such as scurvy will result. Vitamin B1 lasts for about one to two weeks. Consequences of certain avitaminoses include anemia (anemia) from vitamin B2, B6, and B9 deficiency, beriberi (vitamin B1 deficiency), night blindness (vitamin A deficiency), and neural tube defects in the fetus (“open back”) from vitamin B9 deficiency.


Avitaminosis or hypovitaminosis can have many causes. In most cases, malnutrition (junk food, bagged soups) or malnutrition (predominantly in third world countries) are to blame. Continuous antibiotic use can also lead to avitaminosis, namely if it causes damage to the intestinal flora. Chronic or acute illnesses or surgical procedures (intestinal resection) can also result in reduced absorption of vitamins. Frequent infections, the use of some medications, and congenital defects are responsible for yet other avitaminoses. People who work hard physically, engage in competitive sports, pregnant women and nursing mothers generally need more vitamins and will develop deficiency symptoms if their increased needs are not adequately met. The same applies to smokers and people with existing alcohol dependence. Elderly people who “forget” to take enough vital substances and those who suffer from loss of appetite are also particularly at risk of developing avitaminosis. Prolonged diarrhea can also sometimes lead to avitaminosis.

Symptoms, complaints, and signs

In avitaminoses/hypovitaminoses, nonspecific symptoms occur, such as a lack of concentration, nervous exhaustion, and sleep disturbances. In addition, the lack of vitamins can promote hair loss, anemia, brittle bones, precipitating teeth. Cardiovascular disorders and cracked fingernails can also be signs of prolonged extreme vitamin deficiency conditions. In addition, there are symptoms typical of the specific vitamin deficiency disorder. In the case of anemia, these are facial pallor, pale mucous membranes and fatigue.

Diagnosis and course

The frequently offered hair mineral analysis is completely unsuitable for determining acute vitamin deficiency, since it only reflects the condition that prevailed two to three months earlier. A more accurate picture is provided by the large blood count and the determination of all vitamin values. In most cases, however, it is sufficient to check certain blood values. These include vitamins B6, B9 and B12 (determined by homocysteine levels), C, D, E and the minerals selenium and zinc. Vegans and vegetarians are particularly likely to suffer from B12 avitaminosis/hypovitaminosis. The content of this vital substance in the blood can be determined more precisely with the help of the Holo-TC method than with a conventional blood serum analysis. An immediate visit to the doctor is necessary if there are visual disturbances, muscle cramps, prolonged diarrhea, confusion and paralysis. With a specialist in orthomolecular medicine, the patient with his vitamin deficiency is in the best hands.


Avitaminosis inevitably leads to various complications if not treated. Typical complaints as a result of avitaminosis include visual disturbances, muscle cramps, and prolonged gastrointestinal symptoms. In addition, there is confusion and paralysis, as well as speech and movement disorders. As a result of untreated avitaminosis, well-being also decreases sharply. Those affected suffer from the various symptoms of vitamin deficiency and are often psychologically distressed as a result.Depending on the vitamin deficiency, the disease may cause scurvy (C-avitaminosis), rickets or osteomalacia (D-avitaminosis). If the vitamin deficiency persists over a long period of time, the development of the diseases mentioned at the beginning is favored. As a consequence, avitaminosis can lead to hair loss, anemia and brittle bones. It can also lead to teeth falling out, cracked fingernails and cardiovascular disorders. In addition, there are complications typical for the respective secondary disease. Anemia, for example, can lead to fatigue and facial pallor, while scurvy leads to various bone diseases in the long term. Treatment of avitaminosis generally proceeds without complications. Only in the case of misdiagnosis or an unrecognized underlying condition can further problems occur subsequently, which then need to be treated individually.

When should one go to the doctor?

Symptoms of malnutrition (fatigue, facial pallor, cracked fingernails, among others) should be discussed with the family doctor. A visit to the doctor is recommended at the latest when physical or mental complaints increase. If sleep disturbances, hair loss and cardiovascular disorders occur in connection with an unbalanced diet, it is possibly a case of avitaminosis. The person affected can first try to correct the deficiency symptoms through dietary measures. If this does not succeed, for example because the nutrient deficiency is due to illness, a doctor must be consulted. If the above-mentioned symptoms are joined by visual disturbances, muscle cramps, confusion or paralysis, an immediate visit to the doctor is required. In case of circulatory collapse or heart attack, the emergency physician must be called. If the condition continues to go untreated, serious complications and sequelae such as scurvy, bone fractures and depression may result. If wobbly teeth, brittle bones or depressive moods are noticed, the rule is: see a doctor immediately and have the cause determined. Children, pregnant women, the elderly, and patients with a history of cardiovascular or digestive disease should see a doctor at the first sign of avitaminosis.

Treatment and therapy

Avitaminoses/hypovitaminoses are usually successfully treated by taking the appropriate amount of the missing vitamin. For this purpose, it is often sufficient to take it in the form of fresh fruits and vegetables. Freshly squeezed juices are also good. Vegetables should not be heated for a long time in order not to destroy some vitamins. A course of the appropriate dietary supplement can also help replenish vitamin reserves. Vitamin C must be supplied daily, as the body cannot store it. Other vitamins are best taken together with other vital substances so that the body can utilize them better. Vitamins A, D, E and K must not be overdosed under any circumstances. It is recommended that they be taken with fatty foods, as they can then be better absorbed by the body. In cases of severe vitamin deficiencies caused by chronic diseases (cancer, HIV/AIDS), the patient receives his multivitamin preparations from the doctor on prescription. Infants suffering from vitamin D avitaminosis are given vitamin D3 in the form of drops or tablets from the second week of life until the end of the first year of life for rickets prevention. If the vitamin deficiency symptoms are caused by diseases, of course, the diseases must also be treated by a doctor. If they do not recede despite the intake of the sufficient amount of the missing vitamin, the attending physician must look for malabsorption in his patient. This is the case, for example, if the intestine cannot absorb certain vital substances well or pass them on to the bloodstream. If the patient with avitaminosis/hypovitaminosis takes dietary supplements, however, he or she should always keep in mind that they cannot be a substitute for a balanced diet rich in vitamins.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis prospects of avitaminosis can be considered very good. Once the deficiency of the appropriate vitamins has been detected and measured, comprehensive treatment can begin. Success is usually clearly noticeable within a few weeks. The patient is normally considered cured within a short time and his complaints have disappeared. The patient’s cooperation and a change in lifestyle are necessary in order to additionally experience a lasting recovery.The analyzed points are to be adhered to and improved in the future on one’s own responsibility, so that health is also maintained in the long term. Alternatively, a relapse is imminent and avitaminosis breaks out again. For the fastest possible cure, it is helpful to have a blood test performed by a physician. The laboratory test shows in detail what irregularities are present in the organism. This is helpful in order to be able to specifically compensate for the deficiency. Subsequent nutritional counseling should be started immediately. In order to avoid over-supply or further problems, it is advisable to discuss the consumption of additional vitamin supplements with a physician. After a few weeks or months, a new control test should be carried out to document the results of the changes. If necessary, further adjustments can be made. It is advisable to perform a control test after several months to document the long-term change.


To prevent avitaminosis or undersupply of certain vitamins, consumers should maintain a healthy balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables are best processed in a way that preserves vitamins. Those who work a lot should ideally make sure they get enough compensation in their free time (sports, relaxing baths).


After a diagnosed avitaminosis, it is the patient’s business to prevent recurrence. He has not built up immunity. The complete absence of certain vitamins may recur. The best prevention is a balanced diet. Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables should be on the menu. If nutritional questions arise, one can turn to one’s family doctor. He is available for advice. He can also arrange for specialist instruction. Due to the oversupply of nutrients, avitaminosis hardly occurs in the Western world. Mostly alcohol and nicotine dependent persons as well as seniors are affected. The doctor can investigate a suspicion by taking a blood sample. If the unhealthy diet is continued, this behavior favors other diseases. The body is permanently weakened. A patient finds himself in a vicious circle from which he cannot get out. Long-term damage to various body organs is the result. After an avitaminosis has been diagnosed, the patient has the main responsibility to prevent a recurrence of the disease. He should be careful with his food consumption behavior. The physician can only prescribe accompanying therapies, prevent further organ damage and document the actual condition by blood tests. Fruit and vegetables, on the other hand, are not available on prescription.

What you can do yourself

In the Western world, if a vitamin is completely lacking, this is usually due to continued malnutrition, which can have various causes. In reduction diets, it is essential to ensure that the body is supplied with sufficient vitamins and micronutrients despite reduced energy intake. Since fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and low in calories, these two goals are not in conflict. However, caution is advised with one-sided diets in which only certain foods may be eaten. Such diets should not be followed for long periods of time or at regular, short intervals. In certain life situations, more vitamins are also needed than usual. This is especially true during pregnancy and the postpartum period, during other periods of great physical exertion, and during serious illness and subsequent convalescence. In such situations, the use of dietary supplements can be useful, but this should only be done after consultation with a doctor. Vitamin D deficiency is particularly widespread in Germany. Since the body needs sunlight to produce this itself, a deficiency can be prevented by regularly spending time outdoors. In the winter months, however, the intensity of sunlight in our latitudes is usually not sufficient. Then an occasional visit to the solarium can be helpful. People who live vegan should not forget to substitute vitamin B12, since this substance is not supplied by purely plant-based food.