Abdominal muscle training at home

Those who want to stay fit have the possibility to train at home or to register in one of the many fitness studios and follow the training there. This is also true especially for abdominal muscle training. Here, however, there are more possibilities to do the training on your own than with other muscle groups of the body.

How an abdominal muscle training at home can look like is explained on the following pages. When doing abdominal muscle training at home, you usually have no equipment at all and have to use what you find in your apartment or house. A classic problem with training is the correct execution. Especially during sit-ups and crunches the execution is not always correct and can therefore quickly lead to back pain. In general, crunches are not performed as far up as sit-ups.

Crunches and sit-ups

Crunches: The starting position for the crunches is backwards on the floor. Now head and shoulders are lifted slightly off the floor. This lifting activates the abdominal muscles and makes them tense.

This position with raised shoulders and head is now held for a few seconds and then lowered again. However, the head is not completely laid on the floor, so that a certain basic tension remains. This makes the exercise even more intensive and is therefore preferable to sit-ups.

Additionally you have the possibility to vary this exercise a lot. You can put your hands behind your head and put your feet on the floor. Then slowly lift your upper body and pull your chin slightly towards your chest.

Again, the final position is held for a few seconds before continuing with the next repetition. Sit-ups: In this exercise the whole upper body moves much further upwards than in the crunches. The head always remains in extension of the cervical spine (cervical spine) and attention should be paid to a correct execution. Here again, the highest position can be held for a few seconds before lowering back down towards the floor.

Side planks

This exercise is very effective for abdominal muscle training and trains the entire supporting apparatus of the trunk as well as the lateral abdominal muscles. The supporting arm is placed directly under the shoulder, the feet are on top of each other with the lower sides on the floor and the body is kept under tension in a line. The second arm can lie on the hip or be supported there. If you are experienced and have done this exercise many times before, you can increase the level of difficulty by slowly moving the hips up and down. This exercise should be performed for about 30 seconds per side and can be repeated three times with short breaks.