Aldosterone: What Your Lab Value Means

What is aldosterone?

Aldosterone is a hormone that is produced in the adrenal cortex and plays an important role in the regulation of blood pressure and water balance. As it is increasingly released into the blood when there is a lack of fluid, it is sometimes also called the “thirst hormone”. In a complicated hormone system, aldosterone regulates the concentration of sodium and potassium in the blood.

When is aldosterone determined in the blood?

The aldosterone concentration is determined in the following cases

  • in cases of severe high blood pressure
  • in case of suspected disorders of the mineral balance

Aldosterone is determined in blood serum or urine (24-hour urine collection).

Aldosterone – reference value

Aldosterone – normal value (blood serum)

12 – 150 ng/l (lying)

70 – 350 ng/l (standing)

Aldosterone – normal value (24h urine)

2 – 30 µg/24h

(2000 – 30 000 ng/24h)

Aldosterone normal values in children

Age group


up to the age of 1

up to the age of 15

Aldosterone – normal value

1200 – 8500 ng/l

320 – 1278 ng/l

73 – 425 ng/l

For adolescents after the age of 15, the reference ranges for adults are generally used.

When is the aldosterone level low?

Too low a concentration of aldosterone in the blood is measured at:

  • too little aldosterone production due to a functional disorder of the adrenal cortex (Addison’s disease)
  • Administration of medication containing cortisone
  • Taking beta-blockers (against high blood pressure)
  • Taking acid pump inhibitors (to neutralize stomach acid)

When is the aldosterone level elevated?

Elevated aldosterone concentrations are found

  • in cardiac insufficiency
  • in the case of liver damage
  • during stress
  • hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex, in which too much aldosterone is produced (Conn syndrome)
  • during pregnancy
  • after operations
  • during diuretic therapy (diuretic medication)
  • after taking laxatives (laxatives)
  • when taking ovulation inhibitors (contraceptive pill)

What is done in the event of an altered aldosterone concentration?

If aldosterone levels are elevated, the doctor will carry out further tests to clarify the cause. In addition to aldosterone, the concentrations of other hormones, the amount of sodium and potassium in the blood and the kidney values will be determined. An ultrasound of the adrenal glands can also provide information about the cause of the disorder.