Anatomy | Uvula


The palate of a person is divided into two sections. One is the so-called hard palate (Palatum durum), which is located in the front part of the mouth. On the other hand there is the soft palate (Palatum molle).

This is mainly located in the rear part of the palate, is mobile and can be felt softly. The soft palate has mucosa and a connective tissue plate into which various muscles radiate. The uvulae muscle is one of these muscles – it is the protuberance of the soft palate and forms the uvula at the back of the palate.

From the cranial region comes the muscle tensor veli palatini, which stretches the soft palate and the uvula. In addition, the Musculus levator veli palatini comes from above, which lifts the soft palate and the uvula. The uvula is innervated by the 10th cranial nerve, the nervus vagus.