Back musculature exercises for at home | Build up back muscles

Back musculature exercises for at home

Building up the back muscles is especially important to prevent back pain. It is not necessary to spend money on a gym or a physiotherapist. There are many different exercises that can easily be done at home without the need for equipment.

Most of the time, all you need is a mat and a chair. The most useful thing is to look for different exercises for the back muscles on the Internet. This way you can be sure that you will find exactly the exercises that suit you best.

Here are some simple exercises recommended for beginners. Learn how you can train your back without any sports equipment: Back training without equipment – These are the exercises you should knowBack training is mainly about stability and less about strength. Therefore, the exercises should be performed with more repetitions and less weight.

When training without equipment, your own body weight is used for training. A simple exercise is the forearm support. Here you lie on your stomach and then support yourself with both forearms.

You should also lift your legs on your toes. Now it is important to keep the tension up and not to let the body’s center sag. This posture should then be maintained for about 30 seconds.

Another exercise is the so-called “Superman” which is also called hyperextension. For this exercise you lie flat on your stomach and lift your arms and legs without supporting yourself. So only the stomach and chest should touch the floor.

This position should also be held for 30 seconds. Exercising at home does not mean that you have to do without weights. In many households there are light dumbbells with which exercises can be done.

In addition, other objects can be used as weights. A box with water bottles works well, for example. It is easy to grab and the weight can be changed according to how many full water bottles are in the box.

However, you should be careful with heavy weights, especially if you are a beginner. In this case, the probability of injury is increased if you do it incorrectly or overestimate your own abilities. In addition, the back muscles can easily be built up at home with other utensils such as ropes or towels.

An example exercise works as follows: You sit down on the floor and lead the towel around both feet and then take the ends firmly in both hands. Now, with your legs almost fully stretched, try to pull your feet towards your body with the towel. You can decide how intensive the exercise should be. Hold this position for up to 30 seconds and then relax. It is most effective if the exercise is performed 2 to 3 times in a row.