Back pain of the lumbar spine


  • Dorsalgia (Latin dorsum – the back; Greek Algos – the pain)
  • Lumbalgia lumbago (lat. Lumbus loin; German also lumbago), if the lumbar-sacral region is affected


Back pain has now become a kind of widespread disease. It is one of the most common reasons to consult a doctor besides infectious diseases. As varied as the causes can be, one is usually faced with a mystery when it comes to treatment. In most cases, patients with back pain in the lumbar spine area are affected


Back pain is a painful condition that can occur in different parts of the back. They can be classified into different degrees according to their predominant frequency. Acute back pain either occurs for the first time, suddenly or after a break of at least six months.

They should not last longer than three months. On the other hand, chronic, persistent back pain takes up the largest part of everyday life and lasts longer than three months. The pain may recur or be temporary.

Back pain can also be divided into radical and pseudo-radicular pain according to its quality. Radicular pain (radicula – the root) is based on compression of the nerve root, as is the case with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. The pseudo-radicular pain (apparently more radicular) is caused by changes in the small joints of the spine.


About 60-80% of all women and about 65-70% of all men suffer at least partially from back pain. In more than half of them there is a connection with their job. Over 75% of the complaints can be localized in the lumbar region.

The lumbar spine with its five vertebrae is followed by the sacrum, which is articulated with the pelvis. If the pain affects this joint, it is called “back pain” (iliosacral complaints) or, according to the Latin name of the joint – sacroiliac joint – also “sacroiliac (ISG) syndrome”. In 25% of patients, back pain originates from the neck and neck region.

The distribution of herniated discs follows the frequency of localization of pain. In the lumbar region they are therefore more frequent. Cure and disability applications are filed in over 60% of cases due to back pain and generate costs of about 49 billion Euros.