Bone Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Uncomfortable bone pain is often confused by laypersons with pain of the musculoskeletal and ligamentous system and requires accurate and comprehensive diagnosis to differentiate it.

What is bone pain?

Generally, bone pain in advanced age is referred to the entire skeleton and predominantly involves the ribs, the bones of the spine, and the pelvis. Bone pain is referred to as painful impairment of the bones and joints. Bone pain occurs in older people and adults as well as already in children and adolescents. The latter group of people often complains of bone pain in the legs. As a rule, bone pain in advanced age is referred to the entire skeleton and predominantly includes the ribs, the bones of the spine and the pelvis. Bone pain can occur under physical stress as well as at rest and also shows up in the form of the so-called tennis elbow. In addition, bone pain can be the trigger for various secondary diseases. In addition to a dependence on painkillers, those affected suffer from a significant reduction in their quality of life and sleep poorly. This, in turn, can promote mental illness.


The causes, which lead to more or less severe bone pain, are quite diverse in nature. Depending on the localization of the bone pain, clear indications of the possible causes can be identified. In addition to the regionally manifested bone pain, the generalized bone pain can also be caused by incorrect loading of the bones as well as the joints. In addition, muscle tension also contributes to bone pain. Some pre-existing or concomitant diseases such as cancer or tumors can lead to an impairment of the bone structure. These also give rise to bone pain. Especially for tumors with a widespread spread of metastases or tumors of the bone tissue, bone pain is largely typical. In case of manifested osteoporosis or after accidents, bone pain is also perceptible. In the elderly, degenerative diseases and damage to the kidneys also give rise to bone pain. Diseases associated with a sharp increase in body temperature, as is the case with dengue fever, and colds with high fever also contribute to painful symptoms in the bones. Advanced-stage hepatitis A, Lyme disease, and intolerance to gluten are classic triggers for bone pain.

Diseases with this symptom

  • Tennis Elbow
  • Dengue fever
  • Common cold
  • Celiac disease
  • Cancer
  • Osteoporosis (bone loss)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Plasmocytoma (multiple myeloma)
  • Tumor
  • Metastases
  • Acute renal failure
  • Cushing’s disease


The diagnosis of bone pain can be quite difficult if it is related to the whole body. If it is bone pain that can be clearly localized and originates from fractures, the diagnosis is already possible with palpation and by using X-ray technology. In addition, diagnostic tests for the treatment of bone pain include procedures such as bone densitometry, blood work, and laboratory examination of urine and serum, as well as special tests.


The possible complications of bone pain are varied and depend primarily on the trigger of the pain. A distinction must be made between relatively harmless causes of bone pain and serious underlying diseases. Acute, harmless bone pain is sometimes caused in athletes by excessive strain on the muscles. The pain then radiates into the bones. In this context, minimal bruising of bones, such as the shins, is also possible. Such bone pain usually passes quickly and rarely leads to complications. Sometimes, however, bone pain is caused by malignant diseases, such as bone cancer or metastases to the bones. Failure to treat these conditions can lead to life-threatening complications as the cancer spreads unchecked. If internal organs are affected, there is a risk of serious complications, including organ failure, so that patients sometimes die.For this reason, prolonged bone pain should always be examined by a doctor. Complications also sometimes arise from therapy for bone pain. In the case of surgical interventions in the area of the bones, there is a risk of injuries with far-reaching consequences. For example, some patients sometimes suffer paralysis or other mobility disabilities due to complications during or after bone surgery. These disabilities are either temporary or permanent, but in either case affect the patient’s ability to manage daily life independently.

When should you see a doctor?

In healthy people, bones rarely hurt. That’s why bone pain is a reason to see a doctor, regardless of age or health. In children, it is probably growing pains – they occur mainly in the afternoon into the night and are gone again in the morning. However, since bone pain is not automatically growing pains, but could also indicate rare cancers or growth disorders, the pediatrician should confirm that the complaints are really harmless. In an adult, bone pain can occur due to heavy stress on the bones, for example after heavy lugging. However, such pain may also result from a strain having already left damage to the bones. If bone pain recurs or does not improve after initial observation, medical attention should be sought to determine where it is coming from and how it can be treated. Damage to the bones is not always reversible, which means that some impairments to the bones will not heal properly. Recurrent, regular bone pain also raises suspicion of a disease of the bones, such as osteoarthritis or osteoporosis. Severe, sudden bone pain with symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, or the formation of a large bruise at the painful site indicates a bone fracture. A fractured bone must be treated immediately by a physician. The affected person must either be taken to the doctor or picked up by ambulance, as he or she will not be able to make the trip on his or her own in this case.

Treatment and therapy

Very different therapeutic methods are used to treat bone pain. Which methods are used for bone pain depends on the results of the diagnosis, the extent and the causes and localization of the bone pain. If bone pain remains untreated, it can pose a high risk for the further health condition and performance of the affected person in the further course. If the bone pain occurs due to incorrect stress or tension, physiotherapeutic exercises and massages as well as appropriate medication can help. On the one hand, bone pain is alleviated with the usual and proven conventional medical measures, but also with alternative medical approaches such as homeopathy. Besides taking painkillers and additional vitamin A in case of deficiency symptoms, special medications are required, for example, in case of rickets or arthrosis, to reduce the bone pain. If the bone pain is a cancer or a so-called plasmocytoma, chemotherapy as well as additional radiation therapy of the tumor are fundamental.

Outlook and prognosis

If bone pain is caused by a fracture, it must be treated immediately by a physician. The earlier treatment occurs, the higher the chances of complete healing of the fracture. In most cases, it takes several weeks for the bones to grow back together. During this time, pain can be relieved with the help of painkillers, but this should not be done for too long a period of time. In case of overloading the muscles, bone pain can also occur. These disappear again when the muscles are rested and relaxed. Due to the bone pain, the patient is often restricted and cannot move independently. He is dependent on crutches or a wheelchair. Severe bone pain without previous accident may indicate problems with internal organs. Whether a cure is possible in this case depends largely on the severity of the symptom. In any case, bone pain should be examined by a doctor if it lasts for several days or leads to unbearable pain.


To prevent bone pain, a balanced diet, physical exercise, and avoidance of poor posture and one-sided stress on the bones and supporting apparatus are significant. To prevent bone pain due to osteoporotic causes, the bones and muscles should be strengthened through targeted nutrition and effective medication. If certain signs appear in a disease associated with bone or limb pain, timely visit to the doctor is recommended. This can counteract further aggravation of bone pain and even eliminate it completely. Sometimes proven home remedies and herbs as rubs also help preventively against bone pain.

What you can do yourself

If the bone pain occurs due to a fracture of the bone, no self-help is possible. In this case, the affected person must see a doctor immediately so that there are no late consequences. A feeling of dizziness or vomiting can likewise accompany a bone fracture. The bone pain can be numbed with painkillers for a short period of time. However, long-term use of painkillers is not healthy and should not be done. The affected area on the body can be treated with the help of heat and cold. Baths, a visit to the sauna and cooling the respective area with ice or with a cooling pad help here. Creams and ointments with a cooling effect on the skin also help. In most cases, the bone pain disappears after a few days. In general, a healthy diet with lots of vitamins and nutrients helps against bone pain. These promote the healing of bones and muscles. The body should not be exposed to unnecessary stress during bone pain. In particular, the affected areas should be subjected to little stress or use. If it is a bone fracture, healing can likewise be accelerated by healthy eating and little movement of the broken area.