Picks Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Pick’s disease, also known as Pick’s disease, is a form of dementia that is associated with changes in personality structure. Because a cure is not possible, treatment focuses on mitigating symptoms.

What is Pick’s disease?

Pick’s disease is the name given to a condition that resembles dementia. It takes its name from neurologist Arnold Pick, who discovered and researched the disease in 1900. Among other things, the neurologist found out how the disease manifests itself and what its course is. The methods of treatment have been worked out only in the last decades and promise a complete cure only in rare cases. Pick’s disease is characterized by a change in personality. This is often accompanied by problems in the social environment, which also cause psychological distress to those affected.


Pick’s disease occurs at a rate of 3.4/100,000. Which factors are responsible for its occurrence has not been definitively clarified to date. However, the MAPT gene, which encodes the tau protein, is thought to be a trigger. In addition, an accumulation of the TDP-43 protein is observed in affected individuals. It is certain that the disease occurs more frequently within families. However, it is not clear what exactly triggers the aforementioned gene defects, which makes targeted treatment difficult. If corresponding gene alterations are present, Pick’s disease breaks out in almost all cases. Most often, this occurs between the ages of 50 and 60.

Symptoms, signs, and complaints

In addition, affected persons forget acquired rules of behavior and behave conspicuously among people accordingly. In detail, affected persons suffer from apathy and listlessness. They neglect their personal hygiene, become neglected and behave uninhibitedly in society. Often there is a so-called joke addiction and sometimes also sexual innuendos. Those affected lose their ethical values, become criminals and generally behave in a libidinous manner. The apathy often alternates with a strong euphoria. In the course of the disease, physical complaints also increasingly occur. Those affected lose their ability to speak, suffer from orientation disorders and later from classic dementia with muscle stiffening. This results in the need for care, and the psychological symptoms continue to intensify.

Diagnosis and course of the disease

Pick’s disease can be diagnosed by a physician after an initial suspicion by the affected person. Because of the rarity of Pick’s disease, it is imperative to obtain a comprehensive medical history for this purpose. Possible cases of dementia in the family are determined as well as the exact symptoms. In most cases, close relatives or friends of the patient are consulted. The physical examination consists mainly of a nuclear medical diagnosis, during which the glucose metabolism of the brain is checked. If this is reduced, this indicates Pick’s disease. Reduced blood flow can also be an indication, but must be supported by further examinations. These are exclusion diagnoses that examine the affected person for other forms of dementia in order to rule them out and ultimately diagnose Pick’s disease. A definitive diagnosis is only possible after the death of the affected person. Parts of the temporal lobe are examined under the microscope. The so-called “Pick’s bodies”, which are located in the nerve cells of the temporal brain in Pick’s disease, are particularly clear. Regardless of whether and when the disease is diagnosed, it progresses slowly with no chance of cure. If there are only mild memory disturbances at the beginning, serious symptoms gradually develop, including muscle stiffness and eventually death.


Due to Pick’s disease, affected individuals usually suffer from various personality changes. In particular, psychological and social complaints occur. Especially in children or in adolescents, this can lead to exclusion, bullying or even teasing. Furthermore, the disease leads to non-compliance with certain rules of behavior or etiquette, so that the mental development of the affected person is also significantly disturbed due to the disease. A lack of drive or anxiety can also occur and have a negative impact on everyday life.Pick’s disease can also lead to orientation disorders and significantly reduce the patient’s coordination and concentration. Those affected are usually dependent on the help of other people in their daily lives and can no longer cope with this alone. However, the patient’s life expectancy is not affected by Pick’s disease. A causal treatment of Pick’s disease is not possible, so that the individual complaints can be alleviated with the help of various therapies. There are also no particular complications. Possibly, medications can also be used, which, however, can be afflicted with side effects.

Treatment and therapy

Pick’s disease has no cure to date. Therefore, treatment focuses on attenuating the symptoms and delaying the progression of the disease. To this end, various therapeutic methods are used, such as exercise or music. While sports activities are aimed at strengthening self-control, music and art therapies are suitable for evoking and consolidating positive feelings and memories. Apart from that, various therapies intended to train and maintain the ability to think and learn are applied. In addition to mentioned therapy methods, medications are usually administered. However, since these sometimes have strong side effects, nowadays attempts are made to consolidate affected persons in their self-control and nature only by means of alternative therapy methods.

Outlook and prognosis

Pick’s disease usually cannot be completely cured again. For this reason, sufferers usually rely on lifelong therapy to alleviate and limit their symptoms. Without treatment, the symptoms can also worsen significantly and thus also considerably restrict the life of the affected person. Therefore, the sooner a doctor is contacted and treatment is initiated, the better the further course of this disease usually is. Often, those affected by Pick’s disease are dependent on the help and also the support of their own family in their everyday lives. This can make everyday life much easier. With the help of various therapies, the symptoms can also be limited. Direct prevention of Pick’s disease is not possible, as it is a hereditary disease. Therefore, the affected person or the patient’s relatives can perform a genetic examination and counseling in order to prevent a recurrence of the disease in the children. The disease can only be delayed, but not completely cured. The further course is also strongly dependent on the extent of the disease, so that a general prediction cannot be made here. Possibly, Pick’s disease also reduces the life expectancy of the affected person.


Since Pick’s disease is a disease that is anchored in the genes, it can only be prevented to a limited extent. Thus, it is possible to mitigate symptoms through memory training and to take preventive action through mental activity. In addition, a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and sufficient exercise is important for staying physically and mentally fit for longer. If Pick’s disease then breaks out, the individual stages can possibly be delayed, which ultimately improves the quality of life. Finally, a social environment is enormously important. This should be informed about the symptoms and behavioral changes in the event of a disease, so that it can act as a support as the disease progresses. In general, Pick’s disease cannot be prevented. If the predispositions are present, the disease will break out sooner or later. The extent to which this occurs, however, depends on how quickly the disease is recognized and what measures are taken before and during the disease.


In most cases, patients with Pick’s disease have few or very limited measures of follow-up care available to them because the disease itself cannot be properly cured. Therefore, a physician should be contacted at a very early stage to prevent further complications or other medical conditions from developing. Most of those affected depend on intensive therapy and support from their own family and relatives. This may also prevent depression or other psychological upsets.Furthermore, the intake of various medications is often very important to limit the symptoms. When taking these medications, the affected person should always observe regular intake and also a correct dosage. If Pick’s disease is hereditary, genetic testing and counseling is recommended to prevent the recurrence of the disease if the patient wishes to have children. In doing so, it cannot generally be predicted whether Pick’s disease will result in a reduced life expectancy for the affected individual.

Here’s what you can do yourself

Pick’s disease is a serious condition that can be counteracted only to a very limited extent. Sufferers can use various therapeutic methods, such as exercise or music, to delay the progression of the disease. When memory disorders are noticed, writing a diary should be started. This consolidates memories and can thus be an important support for the sufferer. Music and art help to stay positive and strengthen the memory. The psychological symptoms can also be counteracted with exercise, a balanced diet and the avoidance of stress. In the later stages of the disease, the person affected needs the support of friends and family. Particularly in the event of a need for care, a social safety net is important, as is financial security. People suffering from Pick’s disease should talk to their doctor at an early stage about the necessary measures. The physician can also provide information about alternative therapy methods, for example methods from Chinese medicine or naturopathy. A visit to a specialist center for neurological diseases helps many sufferers to better understand and accept the disease.