Can this be an indication of MS? | Heavy legs – what can I do?

Can this be an indication of MS?

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that is difficult to diagnose in its early stages because some early symptoms are very unspecific. Which symptoms appear first also depends on which nerves are affected by the chronic inflammation. Sensitivity disorders in the leg can be a hallmark of MS. This refers to complaints such as tingling in the legs, numbness and hypersensitivity to cold and warmth of the skin.


In order to be able to make the correct diagnosis of the feeling of heavy legs, the attending physician must first conduct a detailed anamnesis interview about the nature of the heavy legs. This includes, for example, when the sensation occurs, how long and whether it occurs in certain situations or position-dependent. Accompanying symptoms such as tingling, pain or swollen ankles must be recorded. The medication the person concerned is taking must be examined under the magnifying glass and a thorough physical examination must be carried out. The doctor can then request further examinations, demand imaging, take blood samples and whatever else is necessary to make a diagnosis in the case.

Heavy legs during pregnancy

Many women complain about heavy, aching legs during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the hormone balance of the woman changes and this leads, among other things, to the blood vessels being much more flexible than usual. In addition, the amount of blood increases and thus the blood flow.

This means that during pregnancy more blood flows through the vessels and the veins dilate more. Due to the dilated veins, the venous valves often close more poorly, which can lead to a backlog. This causes pain and heavy legs.

For this reason, the legs should be raised more often during pregnancy in order to relieve the vessels. It helps to avoid long periods of sitting and standing and, if this is not possible, to move the legs at least occasionally. Movement is generally effective against heavy legs during pregnancy.

Cycling, swimming, pregnancy gymnastics and walks are particularly suitable. To prevent heavy legs and varicose veins, compression stockings can also be worn. In addition to the increased dilatation of the blood vessels, the veins are put under additional strain during pregnancy due to weight gain. Besides heavy legs, pregnant women can suddenly develop varicose veins. In this case, compression stockings and regular visits to the gynaecologist can help.