The copper chain

What is a copper chain?

The copper chain is a hormone-free contraceptive method. The copper chain is a further development of the classic copper spiral. It is a very safe contraceptive method, and only about 0.1 to 0.5 percent of women become pregnant within one year despite using it.

The copper chain consists of a thread with several copper pieces which continuously release copper ions and thus prevent conception. Replacement of the copper chain is usually only necessary after five years of use.

  • Hormone-free contraception


The safety of contraceptive methods is indicated by the Pearl index. The lower the value, the safer the contraceptive method. A value of 100 means that all women tested will become pregnant within one year and a value of 0 means that no woman will become pregnant.

The Pearl index for the copper chain is 0.1 to 0.5, which means that the safety of the copper chain is over 99.5 percent. Only one in 200 to 1000 women will get pregnant despite the copper chain. This value corresponds approximately to the safety of the pill, if taken correctly.

For whom is the copper chain suitable?

Nearly all women of childbearing age can use the copper chain. Women who have had bad experiences with hormonal contraception often wish to use hormone-free contraception, which is the case with the copper chain. Even young girls can already use the copper chain, because the chain is small and fits in every uterus.

In addition, the girls do not need to take regular medication. As the copper chain loses its effect with its removal and does not cause any change in the cycle, this contraceptive method is also suitable for women who want to have children later and can also be used between two pregnancies. Only hormone-free contraceptive methods should be used during the breastfeeding period, so that the hormones do not enter the breast milk.

The copper chain is one possibility. However, after a Caesarean section, a three-month break should be taken before the copper chain is used. Hormonal contraceptive methods are also contraindicated for certain chronic diseases and the copper chain offers an alternative.

These include autoimmune diseases, thrombosis tendencies and cancer. Vegans also like to use the copper chain, as animal ingredients are used in both hormone preparations and condoms, which is not the case with the chain.

  • Hormone-free contraception