How much can I lose weight with a fasting cure? | Fasting cure and crash diet

How much can I lose weight with a fasting cure?

There are very many different fasting cures, which also differ greatly in the amount of weight loss. The numbers usually fluctuate between four to six kilos in one week. This is however strongly connected with it, which nourishing condition one has at the beginning of chamfered, how long the cure lasts and how much one moves during it.

Many chamfering leaders and physicians are however united that the weight loss should not stand with chamfered primarily in the foreground and can be reached therefore rather by different other parliamentary allowance. Particularly since it comes with chamfered frequently to the so-called “Jojo effect”. The Jojo effect designates the abrupt weight increase after parliamentary allowance and chamfering times, which can go even beyond the previous measure.

This can be avoided by the durable conversion of the way of life. Who purges after chamfered again into its used behavior patterns, is subject to the yo-yo effect. Therefore a diet or chamfered should be the starting point for a change.

Above all much movement and sport play an important role. Besides a balanced and healthy nutrition comes, with which above all much protein and vegetable should be taken to itself. Fats and carbohydrates should be reduced.

How high are the costs of a fasting cure?

The costs of a chamfering cure vary very strongly. Usually it concerns thereby a cure in a hotel intended for it.The costs are between 70€ and 200€ per day. Another possibility is therapeutic fasting in a medical clinic under constant supervision of doctors.

This is especially suitable for people with chronic diseases and the costs are about the same. In addition, there are also offers to do a fasting cure yourself and without supervision. For this, one can purchase certain guidebooks and drink supplements on the Internet.

Of it in individual cases however is to be advised against it, since it can come to numerous side effects, which possibly overtax the or chamfering. It exists additionally the possibility that a chamfering cure is taken over by the health insurance company. This is however only possible in individual cases and requires a detailed medical certificate. Additionally it must be clarified afterwards, which instance takes over the respective costs.