Chronic Cough: Causes, Treatment & Help

Not only smokers have to deal with chronic cough and it should always be clarified by a doctor. But at what point is it a chronic cough and what diseases hide behind it.

What is chronic cough?

If a cough lasts longer than eight weeks in adults, medicine calls it a chronic cough. If a cough lasts longer than eight weeks in adults, medicine refers to it as a chronic cough. Smokers in particular dismiss the morning coughing fit as a side effect of vice and pay no further attention to it. In fact, coughing is a natural protective mechanism of the body to keep the airways clear. A doctor should always be consulted if the cough does not disappear by itself or with the help of home remedies after three to four weeks. It also plays a role whether the chronic cough is accompanied by sputum and whether it is bloody. If the latter is the case, the emergency physician is the next point of contact anyway instead of waiting for an appointment with a lung specialist (pulmonologist).


Chronic cough without sputum is often due to inflammation of the airways or foreign bodies in the lungs. In this case, the body tries to clean the lungs and remove the disturbing factor from the airways with great pressure. Pneumonia is not infrequently accompanied by sore muscles because the abdominal muscles are constantly strained. The early stage of bronchial asthma often announces itself in children with a persistent irritating cough, which additionally affects the upper respiratory tract. If the chronic cough is accompanied by sputum, this may be the first sign of advanced stage COPD or bronchial asthma. Pneumonia is also accompanied by chronic cough. At all, when the mucus in the bronchi begins to loosen and the body begins to remove it from the lungs. If the sputum is bloody, in most cases this is due to severe pneumonia or lung cancer in an advanced stage.

Diseases with this symptom

  • COPD
  • Pneumonia
  • Smoker’s cough
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Lung cancer
  • Irritable cough

Diagnosis and course

For a diagnosis of COPD, the patient must have coughed for at least three months at a time for two consecutive years and all other diseases must have been ruled out. In what is known as a diagnosis of exclusion, the treating physician often overlooks other causes, such as bronchial carcinoma or tuberculosis, because the symptoms overlap. If left untreated, the chronic cough quickly develops into shortness of breath, which in advanced stages occurs not only during exertion but also in everyday situations. COPD is currently not curable and can only be slowed down. Especially in smokers, the disease is detected very late. Chronic cough is the first sign of bronchial carcinoma and this at a relatively early stage. In contrast to bronchitis, however, this cough often changes to a dry, irritating cough. If it is actually a carcinoma, valuable time is lost while waiting. That is why X-rays are also taken right at the beginning. ACE inhibitors are also a frequent trigger for chronic cough. In this case, the medication is discontinued and the patient waits to see if the cough resolves on its own after two to three weeks. If the chronic cough cannot be clearly attributed, bronchoscopy is resorted to. 80% of bronchial asthma is due to allergy, and it makes sense to start therapy here as well, instead of just combating the symptoms. In addition, demand medications are necessary to quickly calm an asthma attack. Another therapeutic goal is to strengthen lung function and reduce excitability.

When should you see a doctor?

During the cold season, most people have to cough more or less frequently. But any cough that lasts longer than two weeks is chronic and should be cause to see a doctor. It can be caused by a cold, but also by bronchitis, pneumonia or a lung tumor. While cold viruses lead to an irritating cough, which normally subsides after a few days, bacteria can trigger bronchitis or pneumonia. These diseases are not so easy to treat. Antibiotics are often necessary.To make the diagnosis, the doctor must listen to the bronchi and lungs, but in case of doubt, only an X-ray examination is conclusive. Therapy depends on the cause. In the case of a cold cough, soothing cough syrups, teas and rest are often enough to help. Severe coughing attacks that even result in shortness of breath should always lead to a visit to the doctor. They may indicate whooping cough or another bacterial infection. Children with such severe coughing attacks should always seek medical treatment. Whooping cough is an extremely contagious infectious disease must be treated accordingly. Chronic cough with sputum may indicate serious lung disease. Even if persistent coughing is not the result of a serious disease, it should be treated with medication, because the coughing fits prevent healthy sleep and thus delay the healing process.

Treatment and therapy

Treatment of COPD depends largely on its severity. In the early stages, drug therapy is provided only in emergencies and is limited to airway dilating drugs for acute respiratory distress. Intermediate COPD is already treated with longer-acting airway dilating drugs. In addition, the success of treatment is very dependent on the patient’s own initiative. In addition to the avoidance of harmful substances (cigarettes, dust)respiratory physiotherapy and physical training are an essential part of the therapy. The severe form of COPD usually requires long-term oxygen therapy and the inhalation of corticosteroids, which, however, are associated with considerable side effects, especially when taken long-term. In rare cases, emphysema surgery is also used, in which the overinflated portions are removed from the lungs. If a lung carcinoma is the trigger for chronic cough, the therapy depends not only on the patient’s age and general health, but also on the tissue type of the tumor. In this regard, the non-small cell tumor is always operated whereas the small cell tumor is first treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Outlook and prognosis

If a chronic cough remains untreated and without any medical care, this clinical picture can worsen significantly within a very short time. Without appropriate medication, a chronic cough can very quickly develop into pneumonia or even pleurisy. The constant coughing up can cause a very unpleasant feeling of pressure in the head area, which in turn can lead to headaches. A chronic cough can be a lengthy affair under certain circumstances, as the healing process in such a case progresses only very slowly. With appropriate medication or medical treatment, the prognosis for a chronic cough looks much more positive. A chronic cough can, for example, be effectively and efficiently combated with codeine drops. This makes it much easier for the person affected to cough up and the healing process is accelerated many times over. Various complications are also avoided at an early stage, so that the chronic cough should subside significantly within 2 weeks. However, a chronic cough often has various accompanying symptoms. These include severe headache, fever, chills and sore throat. In addition, swallowing difficulties occur in many cases, which significantly restricts food intake. One thing is certain: without medical treatment, a chronic cough can develop into a serious illness. Therefore, early treatment is immensely important.


Smoking gums up the cilia in the lungs and is the ultimate risk factor for chronic cough, COPD and lung cancer. Thus, those who quit smoking significantly reduce their risk for serious lung disease. Endurance exercise is also a good measure, as it increases lung volume and strengthens the airways. After a round of jogging, however, it is better to avoid large amounts of particulate matter because the lungs are more receptive. Stays in places with a so-called stimulating climate are also beneficial. A vacation by the sea not only alleviates existing respiratory diseases, but also has a preventive effect as a cleansing cure.

What you can do yourself

There are numerous home remedies that relieve chronic cough and support healing. It is recommended to drink a lot. Warm drinks and at least two liters a day are useful. The more fluid the mucus is, the easier it is to cough it up.Coughing up mucus can also be supported by patting the chest and back. Massages with essential oils such as peppermint oil, thyme oil, eucalyptus oil, anise oil or fennel oil are also useful. Inhalations and steam baths moisten the respiratory tract and thus facilitate the removal of mucus. Humidifying the air in the room can also provide relief. For example, a clothes horse with damp towels can be placed in the room or a damp cloth can be placed over the radiator. Medicinal herbs in the form of cough syrup, cough drops, cough drops, cough lozenges or cough tea are also helpful. Sage, ivy leaves, ribwort plantain, cowslip flowers, black radish or thyme support the relief of chronic cough. Fennel honey is suitable for children. If the chronic cough is particularly tough, an onion poultice on the chest or back can help loosen the mucus. If the chronic cough is a dry, irritating cough, coltsfoot, marshmallow, Iceland moss or mallow in the form of juice, syrup, tea or extract can help. Suitable homeopathic remedies are Drosera and Byronia. Smoking should be absolutely avoided in chronic cough.