Complications of erysipelas | Erysipelas causes and symptoms

Complications of erysipelas

Complications rarely occur in cases of erysipelas. These can occur if there is insufficient or no therapy. In this case the inflammation can spread to deeper tissues, which can lead to life-threatening complications.

For example, erysipelas can lead to phlebitis, blood poisoning (sepsis), purulent inflammation (phlegmon), bacterial heart inflammation (endocarditis) and acute kidney inflammation (glomerulonephritis). Since erysipelas leads to the formation of antibodies that attack the causing streptococci, it can possibly lead to the development of a kidney inflammation. This is because the resulting antibodies sometimes attack structures of the kidney that resemble streptococci.

Elephantiasis is another complication of erysipelas. It can develop in a severe course or if the erysipelas is not treated properly. Elephantiasis is a massive swelling of the lymphatic system, which is additionally interspersed with connective tissue.

The result is massive thickening of the legs. This process is not reversible. If facial erysipelas occurs, in very rare cases the inflammation can rise to the brain. Signs of a complication are particularly severe pain, impaired consciousness, such as drowsiness and confusion, and a parallel occurrence of fever, cold sweat and paleness. In these cases the ambulance should be called immediately.


The diagnosis is based on the typical symptoms and the characteristic appearance of an erysipelas. It is important to locate the site where the pathogen entered the body in order to thoroughly clean and disinfect the area.Rarely a minor surgical intervention is necessary. By means of a blood test the inflammation can be defined more precisely and the pathogen can be identified.

If the inflammation is present, the CRP value, the blood sedimentation rate and the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) in the blood are increased. At the same time, if erysipelas is diagnosed, other basic diseases should be considered and an orienting examination should be carried out, since certain diseases favour the development of erysipelas. It should be examined whether there is a disease that weakens the immune system or whether there is a circulatory disorder or a sugar disease.